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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adaptability of Spring Barley Varieties Bred at FANC of the Northeast Sheshegova, T. K.

48 3 p. 156-161
2 Adaptability of the Sorghum Bicolor Rhizosphere Microbiocoenosis Inoculated by Microbial Agents in Southern Chernozem Soils Abdurashytova, E. R.

48 3 p. 212-218
3 Applying Molecular Methods in Diagnosing the Pathogen of Bacterial Leaf Spot in Cauliflower Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola (McCulloch) Young et al. Prikhodko, S. I.

48 3 p. 180-186
4 Biotechnology of Cultivation of Rhaponticum Carthamoides (willd.) Suspension Cells: A Prospective Source of Antitumor Substances Prosekov, A. Yu.

48 3 p. 197-202
5 Characteristics of Varieties and Hybrids of Potato on Fertility Biryukova, V. A.

48 3 p. 162-168
6 Ecological Aspects of the Productivity of Nigella Varieties under the Conditions of the Middle Volga Region Prakhova, T. Ya.

48 3 p. 169-173
7 Features of Growth and Development of Two-Row (v. nutans) and Six-Row (v. rikotense) Barley Varieties in Agriculture Lighting Environments Tikhomirov, A. A.

48 3 p. 149-155
8 Influence of UV Radiation on the Safety of Sugar Beet Mother Roots and the Genetic Variability of the Obtained Seeds Smirnov, M. A.

48 3 p. 187-191
9 Long-term Studies of the Hydrothermal Regime of Agrocenoses and a Combined Irrigation System for Its Regulation Dubenok, N. N.

48 3 p. 123-127
10 Molecular Genetic Analysis of Autochthonous Grape Varieties (Vitis Vinifera L.) from Different Ecological and Geographical Proles Sekridova, A. V.

48 3 p. 143-148
11 Phytosanitary Risks of Spring Rape Cultivation in Leningrad Oblast Shpanev, A. M.

48 3 p. 174-179
12 Role of Spirulina platensis Biomass As a Cryoprotectant of Lactobacillus acidophilus CNCTC 7423 Strain During Freeze-Drying Process Ganchev, Ivo

48 3 p. 203-211
13 Scaling Hydrophysical Characteristics of Soils Salugin, A. N.

48 3 p. 128-133
14 Socio-Economic and Ecological Benefits of Forest Reserves in Tanzania, a Case of Nambinga Forest in Ulanga District Ngwembe, J. F.

48 3 p. 219-226
15 Testing of Low-Intensity Laser Radiation in the Visible Spectrum Mutagenic Effect Hypothesis Budagovsky, A. V.

48 3 p. 192-196
16 Yield Maximization of Haricot Bean by Lime, Phosphorus and Biofertilizer in Ethiopia Negash, Haile

48 3 p. 134-142
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland