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                             20 results found
no title author magazine year volume issue page(s) type
1 A pharmacological exploration of targeted drug therapy in non-small cell lung cancer Jayan, Ajay P.

39 10 article
2 Bioinformatic analysis identifies epidermal development genes that contribute to melanoma progression Barbero, Gastón

39 10 article
3 Castration-resistant prostate cancer with bone metastases: toward the best therapeutic choice Roviello, Giandomenico

39 10 article
4 c-myc-mediated upregulation of NAT10 facilitates tumor development via cell cycle regulation in non-small cell lung cancer Wang, Zimu

39 10 article
5 Comprehensive transcriptomic and co-expression analysis of ABL1 gene and molecularly targeted drugs in hepatocellular carcinoma based on multi-database mining Lan, Feifei

39 10 article
6 Epialleles and epiallelic heterogeneity in hematological malignancies Benetatos, Leonidas

39 10 article
7 Epigenetic restoration and activation of ERβ: an inspiring approach for treatment of triple-negative breast cancer Salahuddin, Ahmad

39 10 article
8 Expression patterns and therapeutic implications of CDK4 across multiple carcinomas: a molecular docking and MD simulation study Qayoom, Hina

39 10 article
9 Fibulin-3 sponges Tiam1 to manipulate MMP-7 activity through β-catenin signaling in oral squamous cell carcinoma Guo, Honglei

39 10 article
10 GANT61/BI-847325 combination: a new hope in lung cancer treatment El-Kishky, Abdel Halim M.

39 10 article
11 Message in hand: the application of CRISPRi, RNAi, and LncRNA in adenocarcinoma Wang, Ting

39 10 article
12 Molecular perspective on targeted therapy in breast cancer: a review of current status Demir Cetinkaya, Busra

39 10 article
13 Network pharmacology-based study on apigenin present in the methanolic fraction of leaves extract of Cestrum nocturnum L. to uncover mechanism of action on hepatocellular carcinoma Kumar, Pradeep

39 10 article
14 Predictors of the development of nab-paclitaxel-induced peripheral neuropathy in breast cancer patients: post hoc analysis of a prospective, phase II, self-controlled clinical trial Kanbayashi, Yuko

39 10 article
15 STARD5 as a potential clinical target of hepatocellular carcinoma Liu, Qi

39 10 article
16 Statins inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis in triple-negative breast cancer cells O’Grady, Shane

39 10 article
17 Synthesis and biological evaluation of thiosemicarbazone derivatives Doğan, Murat

39 10 article
18 The role of PIP5K1A in cancer development and progression Yin, Man

39 10 article
19 Unraveling the therapeutic potential of GANT61/Dactolisib combination as a novel prostate cancer modality Youssef, Mohamed

39 10 article
20 Variants of ERCC5 and the outcome of platinum-based regimens in non-small cell lung cancer: a prospective cohort study Abdalkhalek, Esraa S.

39 10 article
                             20 results found
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