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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An updated review of epidemiology, risk factors, and management of male breast cancer Khan, Noman Ahmed Jang

38 4 artikel
2 β-Arrestin inhibition induces autophagy, apoptosis, G0/G1 cell cycle arrest in agonist-activated V2R receptor in breast cancer cells Donia, Thoria

38 4 artikel
3 Cancer stem cells in colorectal cancer and the association with chemotherapy resistance Lei, Xue

38 4 artikel
4 Elevated LINC01550 induces the apoptosis and cell cycle arrest of melanoma Chen, Jia

38 4 artikel
5 Estimating copy number using next-generation sequencing to determine ERBB2 amplification status Nakamura, Kohei

38 4 artikel
6 Exosomes and cancer: from molecular mechanisms to clinical applications Jafari, Ameneh

38 4 artikel
7 Identification BCL6 and miR-30 family associating with Ibrutinib resistance in activated B-cell-like diffuse large B-cell lymphoma Li, Jiazheng

38 4 artikel
8 nab-Paclitaxel and cisplatin followed by cisplatin and radiation (Arm 1) and nab-paclitaxel followed by cetuximab and radiation (Arm 2) for locally advanced head and neck squamous-cell carcinoma: a multicenter, non-randomized phase 2 trial Oppelt, Peter

38 4 artikel
9 Protein interacting with C-kinase 1 is involved in epithelial-mesenchymal transformation and suppresses progress of gastric cancer Zhou, Ying

38 4 artikel
10 Role of Src/FAK in migration and invasion mediated by extracellular vesicles from MDA-MB-231 cells stimulated with linoleic acid Ramirez-Ricardo, Javier

38 4 artikel
11 Role of thoracic radiation in extensive stage small cell lung cancer: a NCDB analysis Komiya, Takefumi

38 4 artikel
12 Short-term outcomes of risk-adapted upfront docetaxel administration in patients with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer: a multicenter prospective study in Japan Muto, Yumina

38 4 artikel
13 Tamoxifen in breast cancer survivors with COVID 19: stop or go? Karacin, Cengiz

38 4 artikel
14 Targeting Hedgehog signalling in CD133-positive hepatocellular carcinoma: improving Lenvatinib therapeutic efficiency Hu, Qingqing

38 4 artikel
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland