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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Calculation-Experiment Study of Gas Motion in ControlledTurning-and-Diverging Flow Kabardin, I. K.

29 3 p. 393-401
2 Convection in Water Droplet in the Presence of External AirMotion Misyura, S. Ya.

29 3 p. 443-450
3 Features of Heat Transfer during Pool Boiling of Nitrogenon Surfaces with Capillary-Porous Coatings of Various Thicknesses Kuznetsov, D. V.

29 3 p. 375-387
4 Flow in Subduction Zone Against Bevel Angle of Leading Edgeof Continent Overthrusting on Passive Oceanic Lithosphere Chervov, V. V.

29 3 p. 460-466
5 Ignition and Lighting of Coal-Fired Boilers with MechanicallyActivated Micronized Coal instead of Fuel Oil Burdukov, A. P.

29 3 p. 492-502
6 Jet Control of Flow Separation on Hydrofoils: PerformanceEvaluation Based on Force and Torque Measurements Maltsev, L. I.

29 3 p. 424-442
7 Mixed Convection Boundary Layer on Horizontal SurfaceEmbedded in Porous Medium with Internal HeatGeneration and Concentration Change Akter, R.

29 3 p. 518-529
8 Model-Based Condition Monitoring: State-Space Solutionfor Counter-Current Heat Exchanger Dragan, D.

29 3 p. 503-517
9 Modeling of Hydrodynamics of Liquid Motionin Complex Profile Pipeline Abbasov, E. M.

29 3 p. 467-476
10 Simulation of Gas-Liquid-Solid Three-Phase Flow Processand Particle Removal Characteristics in Liquid Chamberof Scrubbing Tower Sun, Y.

29 3 p. 477-491
11 Technique for Determination of Thermal Propertiesof Iron Ore Materials Yur’ev, B. P.

29 3 p. 451-459
12 The Effect of Gas Bubbles on the Flow Structure and Turbulencein a Downward Two-Phase Flow in a Vertical Pipe Evdokimenko, I. A.

29 3 p. 414-423
13 Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Diffusivity of Europiumin the Temperature Range of 298–1625 K Samoshkin, D. A.

29 3 p. 402-406
14 Turbulent Structure of Cavitating Flow: PIV Measurementsover a Model of Guide Vane of Hydraulic Turbine Timoshevskiy, M. V.

29 3 p. 407-413
15 Wall Shear Stress in a Model of 3 · 3 Rod Bundle Kashinskii, O. N.

29 3 p. 388-392
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland