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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Analytical Modeling of Heat and Mass Transfer of Radiative MHDCasson Fluid over an Exponentially Permeable Stretching Sheet withChemical Reaction Ibrahim, S. M.

29 1 p. 136-155
2 Combustion of Sludge-Lignin in Water-Oxygen Mixture Fedyaeva, O. N.

29 1 p. 26-41
3 Computational Modeling of Turbulent Flows Salomatov, Vas. V.

29 1 p. 156-169
4 Convective Type Models of Industrial Processes in ColumnApparatuses 1. Chemical Reactions Boyadjiev, B. Chr.

29 1 p. 186-193
5 Crisis of Nucleate Boiling in a Finite-Height Horizontal Layer of Liquid Zhukov, V. I.

29 1 p. 1-13
6 Crisis of Nucleate Boiling in a Finite-Height Horizontal Layer of Liquid Zhukov, V. I.

29 1 p. 1-13
7 Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Studies on a Discretely and DifferentlyHeated Electronic Board Muralikrishna, Y.

29 1 p. 75-91
8 Geometrical Evaluation of a Channel with Alternated Mounted Blocksunder Mixed Convection Laminar Flows Using Constructal Design Teixeira, F. B.

29 1 p. 92-113
9 Mechanism of Disappearance of Vortex Breakdown in a Confined Flow Carrion, L.

29 1 p. 49-66
10 Numerical Simulation of Wave Formation and Heat Transfer inFalling Liquid Films at Unsteady Heat Release Chernyavskiy, A. N.

29 1 p. 181-185
11 Statistical Signature of Vortex Filaments in Classical Turbulence: Dog or Tail? Nemirovskii, S. K.

29 1 p. 14-25
12 Thermal Diffusivity Measurement of Cerium in the Temperature Range of 300-1800 K Savchenko, I. V.

29 1 p. 42-48
13 Thermal Processes in Electronic Equipment at Uncertainty Madera, A. G.

29 1 p. 170-180
14 Title Analytical Study of Conjugated Heat Transfer of a MicrochannelFluid Flow between Two Parallel Plates Al-shyyab, A. S.

29 1 p. 114-135
15 Title High-Power Heat Release in Supercritical Water: Insight intothe Heat Transfer Deterioration Problem Rutin, S. B.

29 1 p. 67-74
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland