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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Changes in Content of Small Noncoding RNA in Spermatozoa as a Possible Mechanism of Transgenerational Transmission of Paternal Stress Effect: An Experimental Study Malysheva, O. V.

17 3 p. 223-232
2 Cytotoxic Activity of a Cold Atmospheric Plasma Jet in Relation to a 3D Cell Model of Human Breast Cancer Patrakova, E. A.

17 3 p. 233-246
3 Double Covalent Bonding of Biliverdin in Near-Infrared Fluorescent Proteins Prevents Their Proteolytic Degradation Stepanenko, Olga V.

17 3 p. 275-283
4 Estimation In Vivo of the Antioxidant Activity of Axillary-Blueberry (Vaccinium axillare Nakai) Fruit under Oxidative Stress Mechikova, G. Ya.

17 3 p. 306-310
5 Interactions of Free Radical Initiators and Antioxidants in Erythrocytes: An Ex Vivo Study Anusha Berikai Ananthakrishna,

17 3 p. 256-264
6 Morphological Diversity of the Glandular Trichomes in Stachys sylvatica and Clinopodium vulgare (Lamiaceae) Epidermis Alshikha, A.

17 3 p. 311-319
7 On the Variativity of Cellular Adhesive Response under the Influence of Related Short Peptides Ivanova, V. P.

17 3 p. 265-274
8 Results of Targeted Sequencing of PRL, PRLR, and PRLHR Genes in Young Women with Nonneoplastic Hyperprolactinemia Shakhtshneider, E. V.

17 3 p. 292-298
9 The Function of MAP Kinases in Induced Histone H2AX Phosphorylation in Transformed Cells Gnedina, O. O.

17 3 p. 247-255
10 The Potential of Decellularized Cell-Derived Matrices for Biomedical Applications Ushakov, R. E.

17 3 p. 216-222
11 The Role of the Notch Signaling Pathway in Pathogenesis of Lung Diseases with Noninfectious Etiology Serebryakova, V. A.

17 3 p. 209-215
12 The Toxicity of a New Monophenolic Synthetic Inducer of Keap1/Nrf2/ARE Redox-Sensitive Signaling System In Vitro and In Vivo Khrapova, M. V.

17 3 p. 299-305
13 Using the Method of Molecular Modeling and Docking to Estimate the Potential Danger of Side Effects of Therapeutic Agents Used with Cardiac Amyloidosis Petukhov, M. G.

17 3 p. 284-291
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland