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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A calibration method of external parameters of 2D laser in rotary 3D scanning Wang, Shihao

18 12 p. 730-736
2 Analysis on influencing factors of detecting chemical oxygen demand in water by ultraviolet absorption spectroscopy Zhou, Kunpeng

18 12 p. 749-754
3 Experimental investigation on evolution of a split multi-wavelength bright-dark pulse in a mode-locked thulium-doped fiber laser Wang, Xiaofa

18 12 p. 717-722
4 Generalized design of tunable 3D polarized optical multi-focal spots array Shi, Changkun

18 12 p. 705-711
5 Long-term ultra-precision phase synchronization technique for locking the repetition rate of OFCs based on FLOM-PD Zhou, Weifeng

18 12 p. 712-716
6 Motion-adaptive adjacent-reference skipping for distributed video compressive sensing with general decoders Yuan, Wenye

18 12 p. 755-762
7 Proposals from binary tree and spatio-temporal tunnel for temporal segmentation of rough videos Zhang, Yunzuo

18 12 p. 763-768
8 Support vector regression-based study of interference in absorption spectral lines of mixed gases Yan, Xiangyu

18 12 p. 743-748
9 Temperature-insensitive sensor for glucose brix measurement based on compact spindle-shaped structure with two-mode fiber Dong, Miaoyun

18 12 p. 737-742
10 Theoretical analysis on GaAs sub-cell doping concentration for triple-junction solar cells irradiated by proton based on TCAD simulation Li, Junwei

18 12 p. 723-729
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland