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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Age and Geodynamic Setting of the Brusilovka Caldera, Sikhote-Alin Grebennikov, A. V.

16 6 p. 634-639
2 Middle Jurassic Turbidites of the Elgon Formation of the Ulban Terrane: Sedimentological Features and Paleocurrent Directions Zyabrev, S. V.

16 6 p. 599-607
3 PGE Mineralogy in Explosive Breccias of the Poperechnoe Deposit (the Lesser Khingan Range, Russia) Mochalov, A. G.

16 6 p. 544-559
4 Rare Earth Minerals in the Rare-Metal Greisens of the Verkhnee Deposit in the Khingan–Olonoisky District of the Amur Region, Russia Gorelikova, N. V.

16 6 p. 608-623
5 Structural Conditions of Polymetallic Mineralization Distribution in the Cho Dien Ore District (Lo Gam Metallogenic Zone, Northern Vietnam) Kasatkin, S. A.

16 6 p. 624-633
6 The Composition, Source, and Depositional Environment of Lower Cretaceous Sediments in Northern Sikhote-Alin Malinovsky, A. I.

16 6 p. 560-580
7 The Geochemistry of Neogene Volcanic Rocks in the Northern Part of the Central Kamchatka Volcanic Belt Fedorov, P. I.

16 6 p. 581-598
8 The Geological Position and Minerals of Rare and Noble Metals in the Ores of the Kun-Manie Copper–Nickel Deposit (Southeastern Rim of the Siberian Craton) Guryanov, V. A.

16 6 p. 525-543
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland