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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Coping strategies for serial service failures in peer-to-peer sharing services: the power of empathic communication Kim, Sooyun

18 3-4 p. 455-472
2 Customer and supervisor incivility, psychological distress, and job performance among airport frontline employees: the moderating role of mindfulness Tam, Do Uyen

18 3-4 p. 395-416
3 Enhancing flight attendants’ well-being: exploring the impact of social exchange relationships and job crafting Kim, Sooyun

18 3-4 p. 503-522
4 How luxury restaurants build brand love through idiosyncratic service experiences: a double-moderated mediation model Chang, Kuo-Chien

18 3-4 p. 555-582
5 The impact of knowledge incompatibility and communication style differences on patients’ perceived value of online medical consultations Peng, Jiamin

18 3-4 p. 473-501
6 The role of authenticity in creating shared value: From the perspective of sports firms’ corporate image and customer loyalty Choi, Seung Kook

18 3-4 p. 433-454
7 The role of customer forgiveness and perceived justice in restoring relationships with customers Honora, Andreawan

18 3-4 p. 363-393
8 User satisfaction with the service quality of ChatGPT Young, Kim Shin

18 3-4 p. 417-431
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland