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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A bibliometric analysis of metaverse technologies in healthcare services Damar, Seckin

18 2 p. 223-254
2 Narcissism on display? Effects of full-shot and medium-shot photographs posted on social media on tourists’ attraction visit interest Tan, Wee-Kheng

18 2 p. 339-361
3 Operative service delivery planning and scheduling in Product-Service Systems Alp, Enes

18 2 p. 161-192
4 Perceived retailer innovativeness and its impact on customer engagement behavior in smart retailing Jiang, Kan

18 2 p. 255-285
5 Service dyads: understanding the dynamics of social perspective-taking and value co-creation amidst service problems Jin, Dan

18 2 p. 287-313
6 Synthesizing three decades of digital servitization: a systematic literature review and conceptual framework proposal Minaya, Pedro E.

18 2 p. 193-222
7 The benefits of service employees’ resilience in the workplace: a mediation and moderation analysis Le, Kieu-Giang Hoai

18 2 p. 315-338
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland