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                             28 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A novel in vitro propagation system for West Indian elm [Guazuma ulmifolia Lam. (Malvaceae)]: a valuable medicinal woody species de Jesus Santana, Mayla

58 6 p. 865-875
2 A stable method for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Mentha piperita and Mentha canadensis using internodal explants Yu, Xu

58 6 p. 1038-1047
3 Biotic elicitation mediated in vitro production of L-DOPA from Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. cell cultures Rakesh, B.

58 6 p. 1077-1089
4 Critical factors governing the efficient direct organogenesis in green-fleshed kiwifruit (Actinidiadeliciosa) [A. Chev.] var. deliciosa Thakur, Deeksha

58 6 p. 1107-1116
5 Effect of explant type, culture medium, and BAP concentration on in vitro shoot development in highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) cultivars Kharel, Prasanna

58 6 p. 1057-1065
6 Effects of culture methods and plant growth regulators on in vitro propagation of Brassavola nodosa (L.) Lindl. hybrid Xu, JianJian

58 6 p. 931-941
7 Elicitor-induced production of aervine in adventitious shoot cultures of Aerva lanata (L.) Juss. Ex Schult. and its biological applications Boobalan, Selvakumar

58 6 p. 972-988
8 Establishment of highly efficient and reproducible Agrobacterium-mediated transformation system for tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Hashmi, Muneeb Hassan

58 6 p. 1066-1076
9 Evaluating suitable low-cost agar substitutes, clarity, stability, and toxicity for resource-poor countries' tissue culture media Ebile, Pride Anya

58 6 p. 989-1001
10 Factors affecting in vitro regeneration in the model tree Populus trichocarpa: II. Heritability estimates, correlations among explant types, and genetic interactions with treatments among wild genotypes Ma, Cathleen

58 6 p. 853-864
11 Factors affecting in vitro regeneration in the model tree Populus trichocarpa I. Medium, environment, and hormone controls on organogenesis Ma, Cathleen

58 6 p. 837-852
12 Improving the accumulation of recombinant human serum albumin (HSA) in transgenic tobacco plants by fusion with the N-terminal proline-rich domain of γ-zein (Zera) Sedaghati, Behnam

58 6 p. 921-930
13 Indirect organogenesis of Sechium edule (Jacq.) Swartz Soto-Contreras, Anell

58 6 p. 903-910
14 Induction of multiple shoots in Oryza sativa: roles of thidiazuron, 6-benzylaminopurine, decapitation, flooding, and Ethrel® treatments Nautiyal (nee Gairi), Aparna

58 6 p. 1126-1137
15 Initiation pretreatment with Plant Preservative Mixture™ increases the percentage of aseptic walnut shoots Kushnarenko, Svetlana

58 6 p. 964-971
16 In vitro germination and development of “Canelita” (Lycaste aromatica (Graham) Lindl.) in gravity immersion bioreactors Solís-Zanotelli, Flor Y.

58 6 p. 1117-1125
17 In vitro medium-term conservation of Garcinia indica: a tropical recalcitrant seeded fruit tree of India Srivastava, Vartika

58 6 p. 876-887
18 In vitro plant regeneration through somatic embryogenesis in Anaphyllum wightii Schott Lekshmi, S.

58 6 p. 1099-1106
19 In vitro propagation for conservation of the rare date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) ‘Amri’ using immature inflorescence Abd Elaziem, Tamer Mahfouz

58 6 p. 1048-1056
20 Juglone promotes shooting and inhibits rooting in leaf explants of in vitro raised tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. var. Pusa Ruby) seedlings Bamel, Kiran

58 6 p. 942-949
21 Microgram-grade concentration of chlorine dioxide induces one-step plant regeneration in chrysanthemum Tian, Chen

58 6 p. 1138-1144
22 Micropropagation using direct and indirect organogenesis in Artemisia maritima L.: scanning electron microscopy of somatic embryos and genome size analysis by flow cytometry Nabi, Neelofer

58 6 p. 1012-1024
23 Morphological and transcriptome analyses reveal mechanism for efficient regeneration of adventitious buds from in vitro leaves of Rhododendron delavayi regulated by exogenous TDZ Peng, Lvchun

58 6 p. 1025-1037
24 Optimization of inoculum density to support root growth and secondary metabolite accumulation in root cultures of endangered Gentiana species: Gentiana lutea and Gentiana boissieri Aras Aşcı, Özlem

58 6 p. 1090-1098
25 Shoot apex priming, antioxidants, and mechanical injuries modulating regeneration and transformation potential of grain legume crop ricebean (Vigna umbellata (Thunb.) Ohwi & Ohashi) Mehta, Nikhil

58 6 p. 888-902
26 TDZ-induced two-step regeneration and histological analysis of morphogenesis from pedicel tissue of Rhododendron dauricum L., a semi-evergreen species Zaytseva, Yulianna G.

58 6 p. 911-920
27 The genetic fidelity study of different callus-derived plantlets of Ficus religiosa L. using ISSR markers Kader, Abdul

58 6 p. 950-963
28 Towards ex situ conservation of globally rare Turkish endemic Tripleurospermum fissurale (Asteraceae) Cuce, Mustafa

58 6 p. 1002-1011
                             28 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland