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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Acupuncture treatment for depressive symptom in diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome: a randomized controlled study - 针刺治疗腹泻型肠易激综合征抑郁症状的随机对照研究 Meng, Guo-juan

17 6 p. 422-426
2 Auricular point sticking for relieving pain in arteriovenous fistula puncture - 耳穴贴压缓解动静脉内瘘血管穿刺疼痛的研究 Liu, Guang-min

17 6 p. 427-431
3 Clinical observation of the effects of moxibustion with seed-sized moxa cone plus opioid drugs on cancer pain and immune function - 麦粒灸联合阿片类药物对癌痛及免疫功能影响的临床观察 Bao, Guan-ai

17 6 p. 416-421
4 Clinical observation on tuina plus Baixiao moxibustion for temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome - 推拿结合百笑灸治疗颞下颌关节功能紊乱综合征疗效观察 Ding, Chun-hua

17 6 p. 445-450
5 Clinical study on tuina for acute cervical radiculopathy - 推拿治疗急性期神经根型颈椎病临床研究 Zheng, Han

17 6 p. 438-444
6 Commonality and pattern analysis of acupoint selection in moxibustion treatment of asthma - 艾灸治疗哮喘临床选穴共性和规律分析 Zhang, Guo-shan

17 6 p. 451-456
7 Effect of acupuncture plus medication on the pulmonary ventilation, IFN-γ level and sleep quality in allergic rhinitis patients - 针药并用对变应性鼻炎患者肺通气功能、IFN-γ水平及睡眠质量的影响 Luo, Hai-yan

17 6 p. 402-408
8 Effect of herbal cake-partitioned moxibustion on Leptin/JAK2/STAT3 in lipid-lowering pathway of hyperlipidemia rabbits - 隔药饼灸对高脂血症兔调脂通路Leptin/JAK2/STAT3的影响 Liao, Zong-li

17 6 p. 371-382
9 Effect of moxibustion on expressions of HSP70 mRNA and protein in gastric cancer-bearing rats - 艾灸对胃荷瘤大鼠瘤体内HSP70 mRNA及其蛋白表达的影响 Tan, Jing

17 6 p. 395-401
10 Moxibustion therapy improving delayed memory deficits via promoting neurogenesis and angiogenesis of hippocampus in a vascular dementia rat model - 灸法通过促进血管性痴呆大鼠海马神经血管新生改善延迟回忆 Fan, Yin-qiu

17 6 p. 383-394
11 Therapeutic observation on acupuncture-moxibustion at different intervals for persistent allergic rhinitis - 不同频次针灸治疗持续性变应性鼻炎的疗效观察 Zhao, Shuang

17 6 p. 409-415
12 Therapeutic observation on superficial needling with different frequencies for intractable facial paralysis - 不同频率浮针治疗顽固性面瘫的疗效观察 Li, Tao

17 6 p. 432-437
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland