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                             22 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Anatomy and physiology of word-selective visual cortex: from visual features to lexical processing Caffarra, Sendy

226 9 p. 3051-3065
2 An egocentric straight-ahead bias in primate’s vision Cottereau, Benoit R.

226 9 p. 2897-2909
3 Assessing functional reorganization in visual cortex with simulated retinal lesions Brown, Holly D. H.

226 9 p. 2855-2867
4 Cortical visual area CSv as a cingulate motor area: a sensorimotor interface for the control of locomotion Smith, Andrew T.

226 9 p. 2931-2950
5 Cytochrome oxidase “blobs”: a call for more anatomy Rockland, Kathleen S.

226 9 p. 2793-2806
6 Dissociated face- and word-selective intracerebral responses in the human ventral occipito-temporal cortex Hagen, Simen

226 9 p. 3031-3049
7 Human primary visual cortex shows larger population receptive fields for binocular disparity-defined stimuli Alvarez, Ivan

226 9 p. 2819-2838
8 Lower visual field preference for the visuomotor control of limb movements in the human dorsomedial parietal cortex Maltempo, Teresa

226 9 p. 2989-3005
9 Marmosets: a promising model for probing the neural mechanisms underlying complex visual networks such as the frontal–parietal network D’Souza, Joanita F.

226 9 p. 3007-3022
10 Morphological evidence for multiple distinct channels of corticogeniculate feedback originating in mid-level extrastriate visual areas of the ferret Adusei, Matthew

226 9 p. 2777-2791
11 Myelin densities in retinotopically defined dorsal visual areas of the macaque Li, Xiaolian

226 9 p. 2869-2880
12 Neural correlates of metacontrast masking across different contrast polarities Aydin, Alaz

226 9 p. 3067-3081
13 Neurochemical changes in the primate lateral geniculate nucleus following lesions of striate cortex in infancy and adulthood: implications for residual vision and blindsight Atapour, Nafiseh

226 9 p. 2763-2775
14 Optic flow selectivity in the macaque parieto-occipital sulcus Pitzalis, Sabrina

226 9 p. 2911-2930
15 Parietal maps of visual signals for bodily action planning Orban, Guy A.

226 9 p. 2967-2988
16 Retinal ganglion cells projecting to superior colliculus and pulvinar in marmoset Grünert, Ulrike

226 9 p. 2745-2762
17 Simultaneous changes in visual acuity, cortical population receptive field size, visual field map size, and retinal thickness in healthy human aging Silva, Maria Fatima

226 9 p. 2839-2853
18 Structure and function of neural circuit related to gloss perception in the macaque inferior temporal cortex: a case report Komatsu, Hidehiko

226 9 p. 3023-3030
19 The relationship between transcription and eccentricity in human V1 Gomez, Jesse

226 9 p. 2807-2818
20 The role of feedback projections in feature tuning and neuronal excitability in the early primate visual system Correia, A. R. A.

226 9 p. 2881-2895
21 Understanding structure–function relationships in the mammalian visual system: part one Takemura, Hiromasa

226 9 p. 2741-2744
22 Vision for action: thalamic and cortical inputs to the macaque superior parietal lobule Gamberini, Michela

226 9 p. 2951-2966
                             22 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland