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                             31 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A longitudinal study of sustainability attitudes, intentions, and behaviors Trail, Galen T.

16 5 p. 1503-1518
2 Alternative futures for global biological invasions Roura-Pascual, Núria

16 5 p. 1637-1650
3 A review of scientific advancements in datasets derived from big data for monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals Allen, Cameron

16 5 p. 1701-1716
4 A transdisciplinary typology of change identifies new categories of adaptations and forms of co-adaptation in coupled human and natural systems Sotnik, Garry

16 5 p. 1609-1623
5 Cognition and behavior in context: a framework and theories to explain natural resource use decisions in social-ecological systems Constantino, S. M.

16 5 p. 1651-1671
6 Conceptualising sustainability through environmental stewardship and virtuous cycles—a new empirically-grounded model Turnbull, John W.

16 5 p. 1475-1487
7 Connotations of institutions: implications for governing natural resources Matsuda, Hazuki

16 5 p. 1673-1681
8 Correction to: EMF 35 JMIP study for Japan’s long-term climate and energy policy: scenario designs and key findings Sugiyama, Masahiro

16 5 p. 1771
9 Correction to: Game of Cruxes: co-designing a game for scientists and stakeholders for identifying joint problems Salliou, Nicolas

16 5 p. 1763
10 Correction to: Growth in the docks: ports, metabolic flows and socio-environmental impacts Nogué-Algueró, Borja

16 5 p. 1767
11 Correction to: Land systems’ asymmetries across transnational ecoregions in South America Piquer-Rodríguez, M.

16 5 p. 1759-1760
12 Correction to: Large-scale integration of offshore wind into the Japanese power grid Komiyama, Ryoichi

16 5 p. 1765
13 Correction to: Leverage points for sustainability transformations: nine guiding questions for sustainability science and practice Leventon, Julia

16 5 p. 1769
14 Correction to: Sustainable transitions towards a resilient and decentralised future: Japan’s Circulating and Ecological Sphere (CES) Ortiz-Moya, Fernando

16 5 p. 1757
15 Designing real-world laboratories for sustainable urban transformation: addressing ambiguous roles and expectations in transdisciplinary teams Huning, Sandra

16 5 p. 1595-1607
16 Game of Cruxes: co-designing a game for scientists and stakeholders for identifying joint problems Salliou, Nicolas

16 5 p. 1563-1578
17 Human population, social justice, and climate policy Wolf, Christopher

16 5 p. 1753-1756
18 Impact assessment of citizen science: state of the art and guiding principles for a consolidated approach Wehn, Uta

16 5 p. 1683-1699
19 Land systems’ asymmetries across transnational ecoregions in South America Piquer-Rodríguez, M.

16 5 p. 1519-1538
20 Leveraging inner sustainability through cross-cultural learning: evidence from a Quichua field school in Ecuador Gray, Konrad

16 5 p. 1459-1473
21 Migration and justice in the era of sustainable development goals: a conceptual framework Janker, Judith

16 5 p. 1423-1437
22 Orientations toward ‘people’ and ‘things’ are associated with nature connectedness in a representative sample of the French adult population Maurice, Anne-Claire

16 5 p. 1489-1502
23 Publisher Correction to: SDGs mainstreaming at the local level: case studies from Japan Masuda, Hiromi

16 5 p. 1761-1762
24 Risk management for pandemics: a novel approach McKinley, Ian G.

16 5 p. 1625-1635
25 SDGs mainstreaming at the local level: case studies from Japan Masuda, Hiromi

16 5 p. 1539-1562
26 Social dynamics of community resilience building in the face of climate change: the case of three Scottish communities Fazey, I.

16 5 p. 1731-1747
27 Still ignored and still invisible: the situation of displaced people and people affected by disasters in the COVID-19 pandemic Abeldaño Zuñiga, Roberto Ariel

16 5 p. 1749-1752
28 Sustainable transitions towards a resilient and decentralised future: Japan’s Circulating and Ecological Sphere (CES) Ortiz-Moya, Fernando

16 5 p. 1717-1729
29 Testing the quality of transformative science methods: the example of the Human Scale Development approach Spiering, Salina

16 5 p. 1439-1457
30 The patterns of curriculum change processes that embed sustainability in higher education institutions Weiss, Marie

16 5 p. 1579-1593
31 The transformation of provisioning systems from an integrated perspective of social metabolism and political economy: a conceptual framework Schaffartzik, Anke

16 5 p. 1405-1421
                             31 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland