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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Close Shave: Balancing Religious Tolerance and Patient Care in the Age of COVID-19 Lederman, Zohar

19 4 p. 625-633
2 Better Regulation of End-Of-Life Care: A Call For A Holistic Approach White, Ben P.

19 4 p. 683-693
3 Bioethical Implications of Vulnerability and Politics for Healthcare in Ethiopia and The Ways Forward Mussie, Kirubel Manyazewal

19 4 p. 667-681
4 Blanket Consent and Trust in the Biobanking Context Nielsen, Morten Ebbe Juul

19 4 p. 613-623
5 Critical Incident Stress Debriefing Skowronski, George

19 4 p. 533
6 Digital Covid Certificates as Immunity Passports: An Analysis of Their Main Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues de Miguel Beriain, Íñigo

19 4 p. 635-642
7 Diversity in German-speaking medical ethics and humanities Fiske, Amelia

19 4 p. 643-653
8 Expertise and Knowledge Required to Support Health Staff to Manage Stressful Events Delany, Clare

19 4 p. 535-536
9 Kin or Research Material? Exploring IVF Couples’ Perceptions about the Human Embryo and Implications for Disposition Decisions in Norway Kvernflaten, B.

19 4 p. 571-585
10 One Last Unexpected Lesson From the Life and Death of Queen Elizabeth II? Ashby, Michael

19 4 p. 521-525
11 Philosophy of Science Can Prevent Manslaughter De Block, Andreas

19 4 p. 537-543
12 Rereading Habermas in Times of CRISPR-cas: A Critique of and an Alternative to the Instrumentalist Interpretation of the Human Nature Argument Wienmeister, Annett

19 4 p. 545-556
13 The Directiveness that Dare Not Speak Its Name. Views and Attitudes of Polish Clinical Geneticists toward the Nondirectiveness Principle Chańska, Weronika

19 4 p. 557-569
14 The Lesser of Two Evils: Application of Maslahah-Mafsadah Criteria in Islamic Ethical-Legal Assessment of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes in Malaysia Arham, Ahmad Firdhaus

19 4 p. 587-598
15 The Unexamined Benefits of the Expansive Legalization of Medical Assistance-in-Dying Riley, Sean

19 4 p. 655-665
16 The Use of Porcine-Derived Materials for Medical Purposes: What do Muslim and Jewish Individuals Know and Opine About It? Bokek-Cohen, Ya’arit

19 4 p. 599-612
17 Victoria, Australia, is getting a new Mental Health and Wellbeing Bill Maylea, Chris

19 4 p. 527-532
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland