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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Addressing Suffering in Infants and Young Children Using the Concept of Suffering Pluralism Zayegh, Amir M.

19 2 p. 203-212
2 An Ethical Framework for Visitation of Inpatients Receiving Palliative Care in the COVID-19 Context Russell, Bethany

19 2 p. 191-202
3 Clinical Software and Bad Decisions: The “Practice Fusion” Settlement and Its Implications Prictor, Megan

19 2 p. 187-190
4 Correction to: Should Doctors Offer Biomarker Testing to Those Afraid to Develop Alzheimer’s Dementia? Smedinga, Marthe

19 2 p. 299
5 Enhancing Gender Zohny, Hazem

19 2 p. 225-237
6 HIV Testing Autonomy: The Importance of Relationship Factors in HIV Testing to People in Lusaka and Chongwe, Zambia Kasoka, Kasoka

19 2 p. 239-254
7 How Resistance Shapes Health and Well-Being Essex, Ryan

19 2 p. 315-325
8 Nature of Suffering, Anarchy, Life and Liberty: Is the Cure Worse Than the Disease? Ashby, Michael A.

19 2 p. 181-185
9 Professional Oversight of Emergency-Use Interventions and Monitoring Systems: Ethical Guidance From the Singapore Experience of COVID-19 Lysaght, Tamra

19 2 p. 327-339
10 Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Ethical Sensitivity in Turkish Nursing Students Ergin, Emine

19 2 p. 341-351
11 Respecting Older Adults: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic Voinea, Cristina

19 2 p. 213-223
12 Should Doctors Offer Biomarker Testing to Those Afraid to Develop Alzheimer’s Dementia? Smedinga, Marthe

19 2 p. 287-297
13 The Principle of the Primacy of the Human Subject and Minimal Risk in Non-Beneficial Paediatric Research Różyńska, Joanna

19 2 p. 273-286
14 The Reasonableness Standard for Conscientious Objection in Healthcare Reichlin, Massimo

19 2 p. 255-264
15 The Thailand Cave Rescue: General Anaesthesia in Unique Circumstances Presents Ethical Challenges for the Rescue Team Irwin, Mark A.

19 2 p. 265-271
16 Treating Workers as Essential Too: An Ethical Framework for Public Health Interventions to Prevent and Control COVID-19 Infections among Meat-processing Facility Workers and Their Communities in the United States  Dineen, Kelly K.

19 2 p. 301-314
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland