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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Dacrymyces flavobrunneus sp. nov. and two new combinations in Dacrymyces Nees based on morphological and phylogenetic data Mendes-Alvarenga, Renato Lúcio

21 12 artikel
2 Ecological speciation of Japanese hedgehog mushroom: Hydnum subalpinum sp. nov. is distinguished from its sister species H. repando-orientale by means of integrative taxonomy Sugawara, Ryo

21 12 artikel
3 New insights on Flaviporus (Polyporales) in the neotropics Westphalen, Mauro C.

21 12 artikel
4 South American morels in the Elata group: mitosporic states, distributions, and commentary Pfister, Donald H.

21 12 artikel
5 Taxonomic update of species closely related to Fulvifomes robiniae in America Salvador-Montoya, Carlos Alberto

21 12 artikel
6 The taxonomic revision of Melanogaster (Paxillaceae, Boletales) in China based on molecular and morphological evidence Xu, Yu-yan

21 12 artikel
7 Two new root endophyte and nematode cyst parasite species of the widely distributed genus Laburnicola Knapp, Dániel G.

21 12 artikel
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland