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                             7 results found
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1 European federation of societies for ultrasound in medicine and biology (EFSUMB) guidelines for the use of contrast agents in liver ultrasound: what is the impact in clinical practice? Lencioni, Riccardo

15 Suppl 1 p. e98-e103
2 How to design injection protocols for multiple detector-row CT angiography (MDCTA) Fleischmann, Dominik

15 Suppl 1 p. e60-e65
3 MultiHance in MRA of peripheral vasculature Douek, Philippe C.

15 Suppl 1 p. e17-e23
4 Optimized imaging of pulmonary embolism Tillich, Manfred

15 Suppl 1 p. e66-e70
5 Our experiences using contrast-enhanced ultrasound in focal liver lesions Rettenbacher, Thomas

15 Suppl 1 p. e93-e97
6 Scan and contrast administration principles of MDCT Bae, Kyongtae Ty

15 Suppl 1 p. e46-e59
7 The use of contrast-enhanced US in renal transplant: first results and potential clinical benefit Fischer, Thomas

15 Suppl 1 p. e109-e116
                             7 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands