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                             13 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Computational and experimental study of the control efficiency of the flow around an airfoil by means of distributed mass transfer Kornilov, V. I.

28 2 p. 175-194
2 Computational and experimental study of the influence of the shape of nozzle supersonic part on the flow structure in the gas-dynamic flow path of a model high-altitude test facility Zakharov, V. S.

28 2 p. 153-173
3 3D simulation of heat and mass transfer for testing of “clean energy” production technologies Messerle, V. E.

28 2 p. 271-280
4 Effect of intermittency on thickness and heat transfer of turbulent falling liquid film Geshev, P. I.

28 2 p. 209-222
5 Fast waves development initiated by oscillations of a recoiling liquid filament in a viscous fluid jet Safronov, A. A.

28 2 p. 237-245
6 Impact of the chimney geometry on the power output of solar chimney power plant Semai, H.

28 2 p. 291-303
7 Influence of the choice of the spectral interval on the accuracy of temperature determination by multiwave thermometry methods Rusin, S. P.

28 2 p. 265-269
8 Investigating waves on the surface of a thin liquid film entrained by a turbulent gas flow: modeling beyond the “quasi-laminar” approximation Tsvelodub, O. Yu.

28 2 p. 223-236
9 Investigation of emission characteristics and temperature of furnace gases in BKZ-210-140F steam boiler: milled peat combustion and support flaming with natural gas Kuzmin, V. A.

28 2 p. 281-290
10 Numerical investigation on the effect of upstream ramps on film cooling performance with compound angles Zheng, D.

28 2 p. 195-208
11 90th Anniversary of Vladimir B. Kurzin
28 2 p. 305-306
12 Unsteady heat and mass transfer for water-oil mixtures in a system of horizontal wells Zhizhimontov, I. N.

28 2 p. 251-263
13 Wall shear stress during slug motion in an annular channel Kashinsky, O. N.

28 2 p. 247-250
                             13 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland