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                             11 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An analytical study of large SPARQL query logs Bonifati, Angela

29 2-3 p. 655-679
2 Efficient compute node-local replication mechanisms for NVRAM-centric data structures Zarubin, Mikhail

29 2-3 p. 775-795
3 General dynamic Yannakakis: conjunctive queries with theta joins under updates Idris, Muhammad

29 2-3 p. 619-653
4 Joins on high-bandwidth memory: a new level in the memory hierarchy Pohl, Constantin

29 2-3 p. 797-817
5 Make the most out of your SIMD investments: counter control flow divergence in compiled query pipelines Lang, Harald

29 2-3 p. 757-774
6 Morton filters: fast, compressed sparse cuckoo filters Breslow, Alex D.

29 2-3 p. 731-754
7 Scalable algorithms for signal reconstruction by leveraging similarity joins Asudeh, Abolfazl

29 2-3 p. 681-707
8 Snorkel: rapid training data creation with weak supervision Ratner, Alexander

29 2-3 p. 709-730
9 Special issue on best papers of DaMoN 2018 Salem, Kenneth

29 2-3 p. 755
10 The ubiquity of large graphs and surprising challenges of graph processing: extended survey Sahu, Siddhartha

29 2-3 p. 595-618
11 VLDB SI 2018 editorial Amer-Yahia, Sihem

29 2-3 p. 593-594
                             11 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland