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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Contractual networks: an organizational model to reduce the competitive disadvantage of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Europe’s less developed regions. A survey in southern Italy Pastore, Patrizia

16 4 p. 1503-1535
2 Determinants of credit availability for high-tech start-ups Xu, Bing

16 4 p. 1483-1501
3 Ecosystems for smart cities: tracing the evolution of governance structures in a dutch smart city initiative Ooms, Ward

16 4 p. 1225-1258
4 Effects of family involvement on the monitoring of CEO compensation Sánchez-Marín, Gregorio

16 4 p. 1347-1366
5 Effects of ownership structure and corporate and family governance on dynamic capabilities in family firms Camisón-Zornoza, César

16 4 p. 1393-1426
6 Entrepreneurship of an institutional field: the emergence of coworking spaces for digital business models Bouncken, Ricarda B.

16 4 p. 1465-1481
7 Growing a small firm; experiences and managing difficult processes Tunberg, Maria

16 4 p. 1445-1463
8 Impact of corporate entrepreneurial strategy on firm performance in China He, Qiuqin

16 4 p. 1427-1444
9 Investigating the entrepreneurial perspective in smart city studies Scornavacca, Eusebio

16 4 p. 1197-1223
10 Multi-level governance for sustainable innovation in smart communities: an ecosystems approach Ciasullo, Maria Vincenza

16 4 p. 1167-1195
11 Multilevel marketing: optimizing marketing effectiveness for high-involvement goods in the automotive industry Niemand, Thomas

16 4 p. 1367-1392
12 “Openness” of public governments in smart cities: removing the barriers for innovation and entrepreneurship Ferraris, Alberto

16 4 p. 1259-1280
13 Smarter organizations: insights from a smart city hybrid framework Lima, Marcos

16 4 p. 1281-1300
14 The knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship: the developing country context Iftikhar, Muhammad Naveed

16 4 p. 1327-1346
15 The smartization of metropolitan cities: the case of Paris Khelladi, Insaf

16 4 p. 1301-1325
16 The strategic, organizational, and entrepreneurial evolution of smart cities Schiavone, Francesco

16 4 p. 1155-1165
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland