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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Can there only be one? – an empirical comparison of four models on social entrepreneurial intention formation Kruse, Philipp

16 2 p. 641-665
2 Development of entrepreneurial orientation of export manufacturers from emerging economies Rwehumbiza, Deusdedit

16 2 p. 667-689
3 Diffusion of knowledge in strategic alliance: empirical evidence Drewniak, Rafał

16 2 p. 387-416
4 Exploring knowledge management in agile software development organizations Khalil, Carine

16 2 p. 555-569
5 Fostering the creation of academic spinoffs: does the international mobility of the academic leader matter? Civera, Alice

16 2 p. 439-465
6 How far has the integrated care come? Applying an asymmetric lens to inter-organisation trust amongst health and social care organisations Islam, Aaquib

16 2 p. 529-554
7 Intangible capital and business productivity in the hotel industry Rico, Paz

16 2 p. 691-707
8 Investment in training and skills for innovation in entrepreneurial start-ups and incumbents: evidence from the United Kingdom Belitski, Maksim

16 2 p. 617-640
9 Knowledge and innovation management model. Its influence on technology transfer and performance in Spanish Defence industry Briones-Peñalver, Antonio Juan

16 2 p. 595-615
10 Knowledge management and entrepreneurship Audretsch, David B.

16 2 p. 373-385
11 Organizational culture and entrepreneurial orientation: examination through a new conceptualization lens Ling, Yan

16 2 p. 709-737
12 Risk-taking for entrepreneurial new entry: risk-taking dimensions and contingencies Guo, Zhaoyang

16 2 p. 739-781
13 Surviving in a high-tech manufacturing industry: the role of innovative environment and proximity to metropolitan industrial portfolio Tsvetkova, Alexandra

16 2 p. 501-527
14 The psychological well-being of student entrepreneurs: a social identity perspective Hahn, Davide

16 2 p. 467-499
15 The role of exploration and exploitation for innovation success: effects of business models on organizational ambidexterity in the semiconductor industry Anzenbacher, Armin

16 2 p. 571-594
16 Three pillars of knowledge management in SMEs: evidence from Serbia Petrov, Viktorija

16 2 p. 417-438
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland