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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Agglomeration dynamics of innovative start-ups in Italy beyond the industrial district era Cavallo, Angelo

16 1 p. 239-262
2 A lot of different flowers make a bouquet: The effect of gender composition on technology-based entrepreneurial student teams Neumeyer, Xaver

16 1 p. 93-114
3 An entrepreneurship education and peer mentoring program for women in STEM: mentors’ experiences and perceptions of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and intent Elliott, Catherine

16 1 p. 43-67
4 Benefiting from economic crisis? Strategic orientation effects, trade-offs, and configurations with resource availability on SME performance Beliaeva, Tatiana

16 1 p. 165-194
5 Bound for entrepreneurship? A career-theoretical perspective on entrepreneurial intentions Marshall, David R.

16 1 p. 287-303
6 Correction to: Determinants of agricultural entrepreneurship: a GEM data based study Arafat, Mohd Yasir

16 1 p. 371
7 Determinants of agricultural entrepreneurship: a GEM data based study Arafat, Mohd Yasir

16 1 p. 345-370
8 Entrepreneurship and risk-taking in a post-disaster scenario Llanos-Contreras, Orlando

16 1 p. 221-237
9 Exploring the differences in early-stage start-up valuation across countries: an institutional perspective Berger, Elisabeth S.C.

16 1 p. 327-344
10 From stand-up to start-up: exploring entrepreneurship competences and STEM women’s intention Armuña, Cristina

16 1 p. 69-92
11 Guanxi and risk-taking propensity in Chinese immigrants’ businesses Rodríguez-Gutiérrez, María José

16 1 p. 305-325
12 Knowledge spillovers and strategic entrepreneurship: what researches and approaches? Cristo-Andrade, Silveli

16 1 p. 263-286
13 Stemming the gender gap in STEM entrepreneurship – insights into women’s entrepreneurship in science, technology, engineering and mathematics Kuschel, Katherina

16 1 p. 1-15
14 The relationship between discretionary slack and growth in small firms Sheppard, Michael

16 1 p. 195-219
15 To belong or not to belong, that is the question?! Explorative insights on liminal gender states within women’s STEMpreneurship Birkner, Stephanie

16 1 p. 115-136
16 What drives the growth of academic spin-offs? Matching academics, universities, and non-research organizations Ferretti, Marco

16 1 p. 137-163
17 Women entrepreneurship in STEM fields: literature review and future research avenues Poggesi, Sara

16 1 p. 17-41
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland