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                             57 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Ambient air pollution in gastrointestinal endoscopy unit Bang, Chang Seok

34 9 p. 3795-3804
2 An assessment of the online presentation of MIS fellowship information for residents Mullins, C. Haddon

34 9 p. 3986-3991
3 Are we doing too many non-therapeutic laparotomies in trauma? An analysis of the National Trauma Data Bank Shamim, Adeel A.

34 9 p. 4072-4078
4 Are you better off than you were 4 years ago? Measuring the impact of the ABS flexible endoscopy curriculum Weis, Joshua J.

34 9 p. 4110-4114
5 Canadian taTME expert collaboration (CaTaCO) position statement Caycedo-Marulanda, Antonio

34 9 p. 3748-3753
6 Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) promotes cell proliferation in early-onset colon cancer tumorigenesis Nfonsam, V. N.

34 9 p. 3992-3998
7 “Caudal-to-cranial” plus “artery first” technique with beyond D3 lymph node dissection on the right midline of the superior mesenteric artery for the treatment of right colon cancer: is it more in line with the principle of oncology? Yi, Xiaojiang

34 9 p. 4089-4100
8 Comparison of pathological outcomes after transanal versus laparoscopic total mesorectal excision: a prospective study using data from randomized control trial Zeng, Ziwei

34 9 p. 3956-3962
9 Correction to: Impact of age on morbidity and mortality following bariatric surgery Maloney, Sean R.

34 9 p. 4193
10 Correction to: Pathological impact of transanal colorectal tube for obstructive colorectal cancer Okuda, Yusuke

34 9 p. 4019
11 Diagnostic value of contrast-enhanced harmonic endoscopic ultrasonography in predicting the malignancy potential of submucosal tumors: a systematic review and meta-analysis Yang, Yong-tao

34 9 p. 3754-3765
12 Effects of quadratus lumborum block regional anesthesia on postoperative pain after colorectal resection: a randomized controlled trial Boulianne, Mélissa

34 9 p. 4157-4165
13 Effects of Retzius sparing on robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy: a systematic review with meta-analysis Tai, Ting-En

34 9 p. 4020-4029
14 Efficacy and feasibility of OverStitch suturing of leaks in the upper gastrointestinal tract Chon, Seung-Hun

34 9 p. 3861-3869
15 Endoscopic management of post-surgical GI wall defects with the overstitch endosuturing system: a single-center experience Granata, Antonino

34 9 p. 3805-3817
16 Enhanced value with implementation of an ERAS protocol for ventral hernia repair Harryman, Chris

34 9 p. 3949-3955
17 Extraction-site incisional hernia after laparoscopic colorectal surgery: should we carry out a study about prophylactic mesh closure? Cano-Valderrama, Oscar

34 9 p. 4048-4052
18 Fluorescence angiography with indocyanine green (ICG) to evaluate anastomosis in colorectal surgery: where does it have more value? Morales-Conde, Salvador

34 9 p. 3897-3907
19 Fluorescence-based cholangiography: preliminary results from the IHU-IRCAD-EAES EURO-FIGS registry Agnus, Vincent

34 9 p. 3888-3896
20 Gender distribution of speakers on panels at the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) annual meeting Dumitra, T. C.

34 9 p. 4140-4147
21 Impact of age on morbidity and mortality following bariatric surgery Maloney, Sean R.

34 9 p. 4185-4192
22 Improving attainment of the critical view of safety during laparoscopic cholecystectomy Nakazato, Tetsuya

34 9 p. 4115-4123
23 Intracorporeal hemi-hand-sewn technique for end-to-end anastomosis in laparoscopic left-side colectomy Ohmura, Yasushi

34 9 p. 4200-4205
24 Intraluminal indocyanine green for intraoperative staple line leak testing in bariatric surgery Kalmar, Christopher L.

34 9 p. 4194-4199
25 Is robotic right colectomy economically sustainable? a multicentre retrospective comparative study and cost analysis Merola, Giovanni

34 9 p. 4041-4047
26 Laparoendoscopic rendezvous versus ERCP followed by laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the management of cholecystocholedocholithiasis: a systemic review and meta-analysis Lin, Yan

34 9 p. 4214-4224
27 Laparoscopic versus open subtotal gastrectomy for adenocarcinoma of the stomach in a Western population: peri-operative and 5-year oncological outcomes Abbassi-Ghadi, Nima

34 9 p. 3818-3826
28 Lesion size and circumferential range identified as independent risk factors for esophageal stricture after endoscopic submucosal dissection Chen, Meihong

34 9 p. 4065-4071
29 Long-term oncologic outcomes following anastomotic leak after anterior resection for rectal cancer: does the leak severity matter? Allaix, Marco Ettore

34 9 p. 4166-4176
30 Long-term outcomes of endoscopically resected laterally spreading tumors with a positive histological lateral margin Park, Eun Young

34 9 p. 3999-4010
31 Minimally invasive treatment of mid-low rectovaginal fistula: a transanal endoscopic surgery study Yuan, Xiaoqi

34 9 p. 3971-3977
32 Multi-band mucosectomy for neoplasia in patients with Barrett’s esophagus: in vivo comparison between two different devices Spadaccini, Marco

34 9 p. 3845-3852
33 Near-infrared fluorescent solid material for visualizing indwelling devices implanted for medical use Anayama, Takashi

34 9 p. 4206-4213
34 Pathological impact of transanal colorectal tube for obstructive colorectal cancer Okuda, Yusuke

34 9 p. 4011-4018
35 “Peek port”: avoiding conversion during laparoscopic colectomy—an update Jacobs, Christopher

34 9 p. 3944-3948
36 Pelvic dimension as a predictor of ureteral injury in gynecological cancer surgeries Ye, Hui

34 9 p. 3920-3926
37 Perioperative and long-term outcomes of laparoscopic liver resections for non-colorectal liver metastases Triantafyllidis, Ioannis

34 9 p. 3833-3844
38 Per-oral endoscopic myotomy (POEM) for a sigmoid type of achalasia: short-term outcomes and changes in the esophageal angle Maruyama, Shota

34 9 p. 4124-4130
39 Population-based analysis on predictors for lymph node metastasis in T1 colon cancer Xu, Xin

34 9 p. 4030-4040
40 Preoperative anticoagulation in patients undergoing bariatric surgery is associated with worse outcomes Altieri, Maria S.

34 9 p. 4177-4184
41 Preventive effect on delayed gastric emptying of preserving the infra-pyloric vein in laparoscopic pylorus-preserving gastrectomy for early gastric cancer Kaji, Sanae

34 9 p. 3853-3860
42 Prophylactic antibiotics may be unnecessary in gastric endoscopic submucosal dissection due to the low incidence of bacteremia Liu, Yang

34 9 p. 3788-3794
43 Resection of the gastric submucosal tumor (G-SMT) originating from the muscularis propria layer: comparison of efficacy, patients’ tolerability, and clinical outcomes between endoscopic full-thickness resection and surgical resection Liu, Sha

34 9 p. 4053-4064
44 Review on colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection focusing on the technical aspect Fung, Tak Lit Derek

34 9 p. 3766-3787
45 SAGES TAVAC safety and efficacy analysis WATS3D (CDx Diagnostics, Suffern, NY) Docimo, Salvatore

34 9 p. 3743-3747
46 Short- and long-term outcomes of intraoperative spillage during laparoscopic removal of benign ovarian cysts Hizkiyahu, Ranit

34 9 p. 3883-3887
47 Short-term and long-term outcomes of robotic rectal surgery—from the real word data of 1145 consecutive cases in China Chang, Wenju

34 9 p. 4079-4088
48 Short-term outcomes of single-port versus conventional laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: a propensity score matched analysis Tranchart, Hadrien

34 9 p. 3978-3985
49 Short-term surgical morbidity and mortality of distal pancreatectomy performed for benign versus malignant diseases: a NSQIP analysis Daniel, Fady E.

34 9 p. 3927-3935
50 Snare-assisted endoscopic resection of gastric subepithelial tumors originating from the muscularis propria layer: a multicenter study Zhu, Hongwu

34 9 p. 3827-3832
51 Teaching robotic rectal cancer surgery at your workplace: does the presence of visiting surgeons in the operating room have a detrimental effect on outcomes? Valverde, Alain

34 9 p. 3936-3943
52 The association of penicillin allergy with outcomes after open ventral hernia repair Schlosser, Kathryn A.

34 9 p. 4148-4156
53 The efficacy and safety of one-stage endoscopic treatment for ascending acute cholangitis caused by choledocholithiasis with severe comorbidities Zhang, Xiaoping

34 9 p. 3963-3970
54 Too big to breathe: predictors of respiratory failure and insufficiency after open ventral hernia repair Schlosser, Kathryn A.

34 9 p. 4131-4139
55 Total mesorectal excision for low and middle rectal cancer: laparoscopic versus transanal approach—a meta-analysis Aubert, Mathilde

34 9 p. 3908-3919
56 Training interventions to improve adenoma detection rates during colonoscopy: a systematic review and meta-analysis Lim, Stephanie

34 9 p. 3870-3882
57 Transanal total mesorectal excision (taTME) for rectal cancer: beyond the learning curve D’Andrea, Anthony P.

34 9 p. 4101-4109
                             57 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland