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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Changes in Fauna and Flora Associations in the Pechora Urals from the End of the Middle Valdai to the Late Holocene Kryazheva, I. V.

30 6 p. 535-553
2 Erratum to: Bioindicators of the Upper Neopleistocene Karginsky and Sartansky Deposits of the Kolyma Lowland and Features of Their Taphonomy under Multiple Exposure to Cryogenic Factors Zanina, O. G.

30 6 p. 586
3 First Report of Burdurina selandinica Sirel (Foraminiferida) and the Microfacies Analysis of Middle Paleocene Limestones in Central Iran Deveciler, A.

30 6 p. 518-534
4 Formation History of the Valanginian Deposits, Southwestern and Central Crimea Dubkova, K. A.

30 6 p. 498-517
5 Paleontological Characteristics of the Upper Vendian–Lower Cambrian Sediments in the Section of the North Polotsk Borehole of the East European Platform, Belarus Golubkova, E. Yu.

30 6 p. 457-474
6 Paleosols as Markers of Stratigraphic Unconformities in the Upper Visean Rocks of the Mstikhino Section, Kaluga Oblast: Geochemistry, Mineralogy, and Biogenic Structures Alekseeva, T. V.

30 6 p. 475-497
7 Stratigraphic Code of Russia and Definition of a Concept of “Stratigraphy” Gladenkov, Yu. B.

30 6 p. 575-577
8 The Ayanka Flora from the Upper Cretaceous of Northeastern Russia Shczepetov, S. V.

30 6 p. 578-585
9 To the Issue of the Age of the Terrace Complexes of the Chuya and Katun Rivers, Russian Altai: Should the Sartan Cryochron Be Excluded from the Epochs of Ice-Dammed Lakes and Cataclysmic Outburst Floods? Agatova, A. R.

30 6 p. 554-574
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland