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                             25 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A comparison of numerical approaches for statistical inference with stochastic models Bacci, Marco

37 8 p. 3041-3061
2 A copula-based multisite rainfall frequency analysis: a case study on the Lanyang watershed in Taiwan Yu, Hwa-Lung

37 8 p. 3275-3287
3 A new water level prediction model based on ESMD−VMD−WSD−ESN Zhang, Xianqi

37 8 p. 3221-3241
4 Association of tropical daily precipitation extremes with physical covariates in a changing climate Kumar, Sachidanand

37 8 p. 3021-3039
5 Bayesian spatial optimal network design for skew Gaussian environmental processes Samadi, Zahra

37 8 p. 2993-3007
6 Combination of geostatistics and self-organizing maps for the spatial analysis of groundwater level variations in complex hydrogeological systems Varouchakis, Emmanouil A.

37 8 p. 3009-3020
7 Comparison of ensemble Kalman filter application to a prediction model of soil solute transfer into surface runoff by updating different parameters Gu, Yang

37 8 p. 3261-3273
8 Decomposition and convergence analysis of industrial energy consumption in the Yangtze River Delta Sun, Dongying

37 8 p. 3149-3162
9 Downscaling long lead time daily rainfall ensemble forecasts through deep learning Jin, Huidong

37 8 p. 3185-3203
10 Dynamic evolution trend and key obstacle factors analysis on the cooperative security of water, energy, and food nexus: a Southwest China case study Wang, Qian

37 8 p. 3289-3304
11 Ecological risk assessment and multi-scenario dynamic prediction of the arid oasis cities in northwest China from 1990 to 2030 Gan, Lu

37 8 p. 3099-3115
12 Enhancing accuracy of extreme learning machine in predicting river flow using improved reptile search algorithm Adnan, Rana Muhammad

37 8 p. 3063-3083
13 Evaluating extreme precipitation in gridded datasets with a novel station database in Morocco Tuel, Alexandre

37 8 p. 3085-3097
14 Frequency decomposition associated with machine learning algorithms and copula modeling for river flow prediction Nazeri Tahroudi, Mohammad

37 8 p. 2897-2918
15 Groundwater quality evaluation using hybrid model of the multi-layer perceptron combined with neural-evolutionary regression techniques: case study of Shiraz plain Moayedi, Hossein

37 8 p. 2961-2976
16 Heavy metal contamination of surface water and bed-sediment quality for ecological risk assessment of Gomti River, India Kumar, Ankit

37 8 p. 3243-3260
17 Improved metamodels for predicting high-dimensional outputs by accounting for the dependence structure of the latent variables: application to marine flooding Rohmer, Jeremy

37 8 p. 2919-2941
18 Influence of source uncertainty on stochastic ground motion simulation: a case study of the 2022 Mw 6.6 Luding, China, earthquake Dang, Pengfei

37 8 p. 2943-2960
19 River discharge prediction using wavelet-based artificial neural network and long short-term memory models: a case study of Teesta River Basin, India Chakraborty, Swarnadeepa

37 8 p. 3163-3184
20 Robust local bootstrap for weakly stationary time series in the presence of additive outliers Solci, Carlo Corrêa

37 8 p. 2977-2992
21 Short-term effects of biomass open burning related air pollution on outpatient department visits for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases in Thailand Rotjanabumrung, Marissa

37 8 p. 2885-2895
22 Spatial extreme model for rainfall depth: application to the estimation of IDF curves in the Basque country Mínguez, R.

37 8 p. 3117-3148
23 Street dust in the largest urban agglomeration: pollution characteristics, source apportionment and health risk assessment of potentially toxic trace elements Khan, Md. Badiuzzaman

37 8 p. 3305-3324
24 Velocity estimation in compound channels with different bank slopes using Renyi and Tsallis entropy Barman, Jyotirmoy

37 8 p. 2869-2884
25 Wind energy potential modeling in northern Iran Esmaeili, Leila

37 8 p. 3205-3219
                             25 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland