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                             25 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) machine learning algorithm for assessing environmental and socio-economic vulnerability to drought: a study in Godavari middle sub-basin, India Masroor, Md

37 1 p. 233-259
2 A hybrid heuristic-driven technique to study the dynamics of savanna ecosystem Khan, Muhammad Fawad

37 1 p. 1-25
3 A hybrid time- and signature-domain Bayesian inference framework for calibration of hydrological models: a case study in the Ren River basin in China Liu, Song

37 1 p. 153-173
4 Ambient PM2.5 and O3 pollution and health impacts in Iranian megacity Rashidi, Rajab

37 1 p. 175-184
5 A multi-type branching process model for epidemics with application to COVID-19 Laha, Arnab Kumar

37 1 p. 305-325
6 An assessment of ecological and possible human health risks from Cr and Ni in sediments affected by the industrial marine area in Tuzla Aydinli Bay, Istanbul, Turkey between 2016–2020 Baysal, Asli

37 1 p. 203-217
7 A new approach to modeling pre-symptomatic incidence and transmission time of imported COVID-19 cases evolving with SARS-CoV-2 variants Chen, Sam Li-Sheng

37 1 p. 441-452
8 Application of hybrid machine learning model for flood hazard zoning assessments Wang, Jhih-Huang

37 1 p. 395-412
9 A quantitative analysis of research trends in flood hazard assessment Zhu, Wei

37 1 p. 413-428
10 Contamination and risk assessment of heavy metals in coastal sediments from the Mid-Black Sea, Turkey Böke Özkoç, Hülya

37 1 p. 375-394
11 Diverging monthly rainfall trends in south peninsular India and their association with global climate indices Mathew, Micky

37 1 p. 27-48
12 Drought indicator analysis and forecasting using data driven models: case study in Jaisalmer, India Elbeltagi, Ahmed

37 1 p. 113-131
13 Improving flash flood forecasting using a frequentist approach to identify rainfall thresholds for flash flood occurrence Wu, Ziyi

37 1 p. 429-440
14 Machine learning and automatic ARIMA/Prophet models-based forecasting of COVID-19: methodology, evaluation, and case study in SAARC countries Sardar, Iqra

37 1 p. 345-359
15 Mapping the intensity function of a non-stationary point process in unobserved areas Gabriel, Edith

37 1 p. 327-343
16 PM2.5 concentration prediction in Lanzhou, China, using hyperchaotic cuckoo search—extreme learning machine Yang, Wenjing

37 1 p. 261-273
17 Pollution levels, sources and risk assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in farmland soil and crops near Urumqi Industrial Park, Xinjiang, China Cui, Xi

37 1 p. 361-374
18 Predicting discharge from a complex karst system using the ensemble smoother with multiple data assimilation Pansa, Alessandro

37 1 p. 185-201
19 Real-time flood forecasting based on a general dynamic neural network framework Wan, Xinyu

37 1 p. 133-151
20 Security assessment and obstacle factors diagnosis of water-energy-food nexus based on pressure-state-response framework in Northwest China Ji, Juan

37 1 p. 73-88
21 Short-term forecast improvement of maximum temperature by state-space model approach: the study case of the TO CHAIR project Pereira, F. Catarina

37 1 p. 219-231
22 Simulated annealing coupled with a Naïve Bayes model and base flow separation for streamflow simulation in a snow dominated basin Tongal, Hakan

37 1 p. 89-112
23 Source apportionment and risk assessment of heavy metals in urban soils from a central China city by using positive matrix factorization model coupled with Monte Carlo simulation Shen, Lianfeng

37 1 p. 291-304
24 Surrogate modelling for the forecast of Seveso-type atmospheric pollutant dispersion Kocijan, Juš

37 1 p. 275-290
25 Wildfire susceptibility mapping using two empowered machine learning algorithms Moayedi, Hossein

37 1 p. 49-72
                             25 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland