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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A new methodology is outlined and demonstrated on the improvement of uncertainty and sensitivity analysis based on the random sampling method Pecha, Petr

36 6 p. 1703-1719
2 An optimal integration of multiple machine learning techniques to real-time reservoir inflow forecasting Huang, I.-Hang

36 6 p. 1541-1561
3 Does climate impact vary across time horizons? A time–frequency analysis of climate-crop yields in India Padakandla, Steven Raj

36 6 p. 1689-1701
4 Efficiency exploration of frequency ratio, entropy and weights of evidence-information value models in flood vulnerabilityassessment: a study of raiganj subdivision, Eastern India Saha, Sunil

36 6 p. 1721-1742
5 Inhalable particulate (PM10) emission externalities from overburden dumps and associated health risk assessment in densely populated coalfield Srivastava, Amartanshu

36 6 p. 1631-1649
6 Investigating seasonal drought severity-area-frequency (SAF) curve over Indian region: incorporating GCM and scenario uncertainties Das, Subhadarsini

36 6 p. 1597-1614
7 Is the deep-learning technique a completely alternative for the hydrological model?: A case study on Hyeongsan River Basin, Korea Kwak, Jaewon

36 6 p. 1615-1629
8 Nonparametric extrapolation of extreme quantiles: a comparison study Banfi, Fabiola

36 6 p. 1579-1596
9 Performance assessment of general circulation models: application of compromise programming method and global performance indicator technique Deepthi, B.

36 6 p. 1761-1778
10 Predicting long-term hydrological change caused by climate shifting in the 21st century in the headwater area of the Yellow River Basin Hu, Jingyi

36 6 p. 1651-1668
11 Sensitivity of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to land surface temperature, soil moisture and precipitation over district Gautam Buddh Nagar, UP, India Sharma, Manish

36 6 p. 1779-1789
12 Stochastic smoothing of point processes for wildlife-vehicle collisions on road networks Borrajo, M. I.

36 6 p. 1563-1577
13 The assessment of potential observability for joint chemical states and emissions in atmospheric modelings Wu, Xueran

36 6 p. 1743-1760
14 Towards a greater awareness for drought mitigation in China Weng, Zhen

36 6 p. 1669-1687
15 Understanding the hierarchical controls of geographical features on hydrological responses in humid mountainous areas through a stepwise clustering scheme Yang, Yaqian

36 6 p. 1521-1540
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland