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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Application of the fractional entropy for one-dimensional velocity distribution with dip-phenomenon in open-channel turbulent flows Ahamed, Nizamuddin

36 5 p. 1289-1312
2 Artificial intelligence application in drought assessment, monitoring and forecasting: a review Kikon, Ayilobeni

36 5 p. 1197-1214
3 Evolution and abrupt change for water use structure through matrix-based Renyi's alpha order entropy functional Wang, Xiaojun

36 5 p. 1413-1428
4 Factors affecting the COVID-19 risk in the US counties: an innovative approach by combining unsupervised and supervised learning Ziyadidegan, Samira

36 5 p. 1469-1484
5 Identification of anthropogenic contribution to wetland degradation: Insights from the environmetric techniques Dar, Shahid Ahmad

36 5 p. 1397-1411
6 Integrated watershed modeling using interval valued fuzzy computations to enhance watershed restoration and protection at field-scale Srinivas, Rallapalli

36 5 p. 1429-1445
7 Landslide displacement prediction based on Variational mode decomposition and MIC-GWO-LSTM model Taorui, Zeng

36 5 p. 1353-1372
8 Multiscale investigation of precipitation extremes over Ethiopia and teleconnections to large-scale climate anomalies Beyene, Tegegn Kassa

36 5 p. 1503-1519
9 Multi-watershed nonpoint source pollution management through coupling Bayesian-based simulation and mechanism-based effluent trading optimization Xu, Xiaomei

36 5 p. 1313-1351
10 Partially linear models based on heavy-tailed and asymmetrical distributions Bazrafkan, Masoumeh

36 5 p. 1243-1253
11 Polluted waters of the reclaimed islands of Indian Sundarban promote more greenhouse gas emissions from mangrove ecosystem Das, Nilanjan

36 5 p. 1277-1288
12 Regional spatio-temporal forecasting of particulate matter using autoencoder based generative adversarial network Abirami, S.

36 5 p. 1255-1276
13 Runoff forecast and analysis of the probability of dry and wet transition in the Hanjiang River Basin Jin, Haoyu

36 5 p. 1485-1502
14 Testing tests before testing data: an untold tale of compound events and binary dependence Serinaldi, Francesco

36 5 p. 1373-1395
15 Twenty-two families of multivariate covariance kernels on spheres, with their spectral representations and sufficient validity conditions Emery, Xavier

36 5 p. 1447-1467
16 Understanding the impacts induced by cut-off thresholds and likelihood measures on confidence interval when applying GLUE approach Li, Zhenya

36 5 p. 1215-1241
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland