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                             16 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A comparison of multiple neighborhood matrix specifications for spatio-temporal model fitting: a case study on COVID-19 data Briz-Redón, Álvaro

36 1 p. 271-282
2 Application of novel ensemble models and k-fold CV approaches for Land subsidence susceptibility modelling Arabameri, Alireza

36 1 p. 201-223
3 Assessing local and spatial uncertainty with nonparametric geostatistics Thiesen, Stephanie

36 1 p. 173-199
4 Dynamic hazard assessment of debris flow based on TRIGRS and flow-R coupled models Nie, Yinping

36 1 p. 97-114
5 Estimating runoff in ungauged catchments by Nash-GIUH model using image processing and fractal analysis Tarahi, M.

36 1 p. 51-66
6 Have any effect of COVID-19 lockdown on environmental sustainability? A study from most polluted metropolitan area of India Chowdhuri, Indrajit

36 1 p. 283-295
7 Impact of climate change on stormwater drainage in urban areas Kumar, Satish

36 1 p. 77-96
8 Incident wave run-up prediction using the response surface methodology and neural networks Rehman, Khawar

36 1 p. 17-32
9 Investigating the impact of input variable selection on daily solar radiation prediction accuracy using data-driven models: a case study in northern Iran Jahangir, Mohammad Sina

36 1 p. 225-249
10 ITSO: a novel inverse transform sampling-based optimization algorithm for stochastic search Bakas, Nikolaos P.

36 1 p. 67-76
11 Locally adaptive change-point detection (LACPD) with applications to environmental changes Moradi, Mehdi

36 1 p. 251-269
12 Modeling moisture redistribution of drip irrigation systems by soil and system parameters: regression-based approaches Karimi, Bakhtiar

36 1 p. 157-172
13 Regional flood frequency analysis using complex networks Drissia, T. K.

36 1 p. 115-135
14 Risk analysis of natural water resources scarcity based on a stochastic simulation model in the hilly area of southwest China Zhang, Yaling

36 1 p. 33-49
15 Study on the early warning and forecasting of flash floods in small watersheds based on the rainfall pattern of risk probability combination Lu, Lu

36 1 p. 1-16
16 Underdetection in a stochastic SIR model for the analysis of the COVID-19 Italian epidemic Bodini, Antonella

36 1 p. 137-155
                             16 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland