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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Canberra distance-based complex network classification framework using lumped catchment characteristics Istalkar, Prashant

35 6 p. 1293-1300
2 A hybrid interval displacement forecasting model for reservoir colluvial landslides with step-like deformation characteristics considering dynamic switching of deformation states Li, Linwei

35 6 p. 1089-1112
3 A multistate first-order Markov model for modeling time distribution of extreme rainfall events Rohith, A. N.

35 6 p. 1205-1221
4 A novel downscaling procedure for compositional data in the Aitchison geometry with application to soil texture data Gatti, Federico

35 6 p. 1223-1241
5 Application and comparison of different ensemble learning machines combining with a novel sampling strategy for shallow landslide susceptibility mapping Liang, Zhu

35 6 p. 1243-1256
6 Application of an enhanced BP neural network model with water cycle algorithm on landslide prediction Zhang, Yong-gang

35 6 p. 1273-1291
7 Developing hybrid time series and artificial intelligence models for estimating air temperatures Mohammadi, Babak

35 6 p. 1189-1204
8 Evaluating hourlySWAT streamflow simulations for urbanized and forest watersheds across northwestern Delaware, US Li, Yao

35 6 p. 1145-1159
9 Examining the impact of lockdown (due to COVID-19) on ambient aerosols (PM2.5): A study on Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) Cities, India Das, Manob

35 6 p. 1301-1317
10 Impact of climate change on crop water and irrigation requirements over eastern Himalayan region Poonia, Vikas

35 6 p. 1175-1188
11 Mapping regularities in the solar irradiance data using complementary complexity measures Mihailović, Dragutin T.

35 6 p. 1257-1272
12 Planning for climate change: evaluating the changing patterns of flood vulnerability in a case study in New Taipei City, Taiwan Chen, Tzu-Ling

35 6 p. 1161-1174
13 Spatial and temporal analyses of perfluorooctanoic acid in drinking water for external exposure assessment in the Ruhr metropolitan area, Germany Rathjens, Jonathan

35 6 p. 1127-1143
14 Western North Pacific tropical cyclone track forecasts by a machine learning model Tan, Jinkai

35 6 p. 1113-1126
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland