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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Advances in uncertainty quantification for water resources applications Ciriello, Valentina

35 5 p. 955-957
2 Application of deep learning to large scale riverine flow velocity estimation Forghani, Mojtaba

35 5 p. 1069-1088
3 Error covariance tuning in variational data assimilation: application to an operating hydrological model Cheng, Sibo

35 5 p. 1019-1038
4 Improving the computational efficiency of first arrival time uncertainty estimation using a connectivity-based ranking Monte Carlo method Morvillo, Maria

35 5 p. 1039-1049
5 Investigating variation characteristics and driving forces of lake water level complexity in a complex river–lake system Huang, Feng

35 5 p. 1003-1017
6 Mechanistic models supporting uncertainty quantification of water quality predictions in heterogeneous mining waste rocks: a review Muniruzzaman, Muhammad

35 5 p. 985-1001
7 Stochastic assessment of the effect of land-use change on nonpoint source-driven groundwater quality using an efficient scaling approach Henri, Christopher V.

35 5 p. 959-970
8 Uncertainty quantification for hydrological models based on neural networks: the dropout ensemble Althoff, Daniel

35 5 p. 1051-1067
9 Use of fractal models to define the scaling behavior of the aquifers’ parameters at the mesoscale Fallico, C.

35 5 p. 971-984
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland