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                             14 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Bayesian stochastic generator to complement existing climate change scenarios: supporting uncertainty quantification in marine and coastal ecosystems Mészáros, Lőrinc

35 3 p. 719-736
2 A case study: bivariate drought identification on the Andong dam, South Korea Kwak, Jaewon

35 3 p. 549-560
3 Analysis of spherical monofractal and multifractal random fields Leonenko, Nikolai

35 3 p. 681-701
4 Application of complex networks for monthly rainfall dynamics over central Vietnam Ghorbani, Mohammad Ali

35 3 p. 535-548
5 Catchment classification using community structure concept: application to two large regions Tumiran, Siti Aisyah

35 3 p. 561-578
6 COVID-19 and water Sivakumar, Bellie

35 3 p. 531-534
7 District based flood risk assessment in Istanbul using fuzzy analytical hierarchy process Ekmekcioğlu, Ömer

35 3 p. 617-637
8 Investigating the spatio-temporal variations of the impact of urbanization on haze pollution using multiple indicators Yang, Yuanhua

35 3 p. 703-717
9 Markov chain Monte Carlo with neural network surrogates: application to contaminant source identification Zhou, Zitong

35 3 p. 639-651
10 M-regression spectral estimator for periodic ARMA models. An empirical investigation Sarnaglia, Alessandro José Queiroz

35 3 p. 653-664
11 Short term rainfall-runoff modelling using several machine learning methods and a conceptual event-based model Adnan, Rana Muhammad

35 3 p. 597-616
12 Spatio-temporal precipitation changes and their localized predictors in the Taihang Mountain region, North China Fu, Tonggang

35 3 p. 665-679
13 Spatiotemporal sampling strategy for characterization of hydraulic properties in heterogeneous soils Yu, Danyang

35 3 p. 737-757
14 Study of temporal streamflow dynamics with complex networks: network construction and clustering Yasmin, Nazly

35 3 p. 579-595
                             14 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland