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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A dynamic information extraction method for areal mean rainfall error and its application in basins of different scales for flood forecasting Si, Wei

35 2 p. 255-270
2 A geostatistical spatio-temporal model to non-fixed locations Sehaber, V. F.

35 2 p. 165-182
3 A hundred years of Caposele spring discharge measurements: trends and statistics for understanding water resource availability under climate change Leone, G.

35 2 p. 345-370
4 Area-covering postprocessing of ensemble precipitation forecasts using topographical and seasonal conditions Friedli, Lea

35 2 p. 215-230
5 Comparison of gradient boosted decision trees and random forest for groundwater potential mapping in Dholpur (Rajasthan), India Sachdeva, Shruti

35 2 p. 287-306
6 Conditional simulation of categorical spatial variables using Gibbs sampling of a truncated multivariate normal distribution subject to linear inequality constraints Fouedjio, Francky

35 2 p. 457-480
7 Developing reservoir evaporation predictive model for successful dam management Allawi, Mohammed Falah

35 2 p. 499-514
8 Efficient water allocation strategy to overcoming water inequity crisis for sustainability of agricultural land: a case of Southern Punjab, Pakistan Maqbool, Ahsan

35 2 p. 245-254
9 Extreme sea levels along coastal China: uncertainties and implications Fang, Jiayi

35 2 p. 405-418
10 Identifying atmospheric pollutant sources using a machine learning dispersion model and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods Ma, Denglong

35 2 p. 271-286
11 Learning from panel data of dengue incidence and meteorological factors in Jakarta, Indonesia Wijaya, Karunia Putra

35 2 p. 437-456
12 Nonparametric location–scale model for the joint forecasting of SO2 and NOx pollution episodes Roca-Pardiñas, J.

35 2 p. 231-244
13 On new families of anisotropic spatial log-Gaussian Cox processes Nasirzadeh, Fariba

35 2 p. 183-213
14 Parametrisation of change-permitting extreme value models and its impact on the description of change Prosdocimi, Ilaria

35 2 p. 307-324
15 Probable streamflow changes and its associated risk to the water resources of Abuan watershed, Philippines caused by climate change and land use changes Araza, Arnan

35 2 p. 389-404
16 Quantification of probabilistic concentrations for mixed-size sediment particles in open channel flow Huang, Chi-Hsiang

35 2 p. 419-435
17 Risk assessment of the step-by-step return-to-work policy in Beijing following the COVID-19 epidemic peak Zhang, Wen-bin

35 2 p. 481-498
18 Students exposure assessment towards PM number concentration while commuting from different transport modes during school timings Chaudhry, Sandeep Kumar

35 2 p. 371-388
19 The adaptability of typical precipitation ensemble prediction systems in the Huaihe River basin, China Wang, Han

35 2 p. 515-529
20 Trivariate joint probability model of typhoon-induced wind, wave and their time lag based on the numerical simulation of historical typhoons Wei, Kai

35 2 p. 325-344
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland