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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Adaptive multi-fidelity probabilistic collocation-based Kalman filter for subsurface flow data assimilation: numerical modeling and real-world experiment Man, Jun

34 8 p. 1135-1146
2 A new framework for rainfall downscaling based on EEMD and an improved fractal interpolation algorithm Liu, Xingpo

34 8 p. 1147-1173
3 An improved method for estimating life losses from dam failure in China Mahmoud, Amr A.

34 8 p. 1263-1279
4 Assessment of occupational risks from human health and environmental perspectives: a new integrated approach and its application using fuzzy BWM and fuzzy MAIRCA Gul, Muhammet

34 8 p. 1231-1262
5 Comparison of mapping approaches for estimating extreme precipitation of any return period at ungauged locations Das, Samiran

34 8 p. 1175-1196
6 Effects of land use cover change on carbon emissions and ecosystem services in Chengyu urban agglomeration, China Chen, Yizhong

34 8 p. 1197-1215
7 Linking meteorological patterns shift to hydrological extremes in a lake watershed across the mid-high latitude transition region Sun, Zhandong

34 8 p. 1121-1134
8 Modelling and attributing evapotranspiration changes on China’s Loess Plateau with Budyko framework considering vegetation dynamics and climate seasonality Ning, Tingting

34 8 p. 1217-1230
9 Suitability of data preprocessing methods for landslide displacement forecasting Zou, Zongxing

34 8 p. 1105-1119
10 Undersampling in action and at scale: application to the COVID-19 pandemic Langousis, Andreas

34 8 p. 1281-1283
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland