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                             10 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A nuanced quantile random forest approach for fast prediction of a stochastic marine flooding simulator applied to a macrotidal coastal site Rohmer, Jeremy

34 6 p. 867-890
2 CHDS: conflict handling in direct sampling for stochastic simulation of spatial variables Soltan Mohammadi, Hesam

34 6 p. 825-847
3 Distribution and release mechanism of heavy metals in sediments of Yelang Lake by DGT Luo, Kai

34 6 p. 793-805
4 Heuristic search strategy based on probabilistic and geostatistical simulation approach for simultaneous identification of groundwater contaminant source and simulation model parameters Wang, Han

34 6 p. 891-907
5 Hydrological connectivity assessment based on solute penetration Liyi, Dai

34 6 p. 909-919
6 Influence factor analysis of soil heavy metal Cd based on the GeoDetector Jiang, Yunting

34 6 p. 921-930
7 Modelling background seismicity components identified by nearest neighbour and stochastic declustering approaches: the case of Northeastern Italy Benali, Amel

34 6 p. 775-791
8 Outflow sediment concentration forecasting by integrating machine learning approaches and time series analysis in reservoir desilting operation Chang, Ming-Jui

34 6 p. 849-866
9 Probabilistic multi-objective optimization for landslide reinforcement with stabilizing piles in Zigui Basin of Three Gorges Reservoir region, China Yao, Wenmin

34 6 p. 807-824
10 Robust strategies for climate change adaptation in the agricultural sector under deep climate uncertainty Abbasi, Hamid

34 6 p. 755-774
                             10 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland