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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A comparison of statistical and machine learning methods for debris flow susceptibility mapping Liang, Zhu

34 11 p. 1887-1907
2 An entropic model for the rock water absorption process Zhu, Zhongfan

34 11 p. 1871-1886
3 Cormack–Jolly–Seber models: time and age perspectives Sarzo, Blanca

34 11 p. 1683-1698
4 Eco-hydrological estimation of event-based runoff coefficient using artificial intelligence models in Kasilian watershed, Iran Pourasadoullah, Hossein

34 11 p. 1983-1996
5 Estimation of watershed width function: a statistical approach using LiDAR data Bajracharya, Prashanta

34 11 p. 1997-2011
6 Hydroclimatic aggregate drought index (HADI): a new approach for identification and categorization of drought in cold climate regions Bazrkar, Mohammad Hadi

34 11 p. 1847-1870
7 Impacts of changes in the watershed partitioning level and optimization algorithm on runoff simulation: decomposition of uncertainties Zhou, Shuai

34 11 p. 1909-1923
8 Improving geostatistical predictions of two environmental variables using Bayesian maximum entropy in the Sungun mining site Rezaei, Safoura

34 11 p. 1775-1794
9 Information measures through velocity time series in a seepage affected alluvial sinuous channel Taye, Jyotismita

34 11 p. 1925-1938
10 Karhunen–Loève expansions for axially symmetric Gaussian processes: modeling strategies and L2 approximations Alegría, Alfredo

34 11 p. 1953-1965
11 Land use structure optimization based on uncertainty fractional joint probabilistic chance constraint programming Gu, Jinjin

34 11 p. 1699-1712
12 Meteorological drought risk in the Daqing River Basin, North China: current observations and future projections Mu, Wenbin

34 11 p. 1795-1811
13 Modelling dependence between observed and simulated wind speed data using copulas André, L. M.

34 11 p. 1725-1753
14 Prioritization of non-revenue water reduction scenarios using a risk-based group decision-making approach Tabesh, Massoud

34 11 p. 1713-1724
15 Sampling behavioral model parameters for ensemble-based sensitivity analysis using Gaussian process emulation and active subspaces Erdal, Daniel

34 11 p. 1813-1830
16 Separating the contributions of climate change and human activities to regional AET variability by using a developed analytical framework Wu, Lei

34 11 p. 1831-1845
17 Simultaneous determination and exposure assessment of six common pesticides in greenhouses through modified QuEChERS and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry Ma, Tingting

34 11 p. 1967-1982
18 Source apportionment and associated potential ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in coastal marine sediments samples in Ondo, Southwest, Nigeria Ogundele, Lasun T.

34 11 p. 2013-2022
19 Support vector regression optimized by meta-heuristic algorithms for daily streamflow prediction Malik, Anurag

34 11 p. 1755-1773
20 The sequential spectral turning band simulator as an alternative to Gibbs sampler in large truncated- or pluri- Gaussian simulations Lauzon, Dany

34 11 p. 1939-1951
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland