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                             16 results found
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1 A hierarchical cosimulation algorithm integrated with an acceptance–rejection method for the geostatistical modeling of variables with inequality constraints Madani, Nasser

34 10 p. 1559-1589
2 An ARFIMA-based model for daily precipitation amounts with direct access to fluctuations Polotzek, Katja

34 10 p. 1487-1505
3 An improved interior-outer-set model framework for flood hazard analysis Zheng, Yanhui

34 10 p. 1543-1558
4 Application of risk assessment in determination of soil remediation targets Zhang, Xiaoying

34 10 p. 1659-1673
5 Bayesian inference in multivariate spatio-temporal areal models using INLA: analysis of gender-based violence in small areas Vicente, G.

34 10 p. 1421-1440
6 Correction to: A machine learning forecasting model for COVID-19 pandemic in India Sujatha, R.

34 10 p. 1681
7 Forest landscape visual quality evaluation using artificial intelligence techniques as a decision support system Jahani, Ali

34 10 p. 1473-1486
8 Global and local diagnostic analytics for a geostatistical model based on a new approach to quantile regression Leiva, Víctor

34 10 p. 1457-1471
9 Global autocorrelation test based on the Monte Carlo method and impacts of eliminating nonstationary components on the global autocorrelation test Xie, Yangyang

34 10 p. 1645-1658
10 Impact of geostatistical reconstruction approaches on model calibration for flow in highly heterogeneous aquifers Siena, Martina

34 10 p. 1591-1606
11 Iterative algorithms for non-conditional and conditional simulation of Gaussian random vectors Arroyo, Daisy

34 10 p. 1523-1541
12 Meteorological impacts on the incidence of COVID-19 in the U.S. Chien, Lung-Chang

34 10 p. 1675-1680
13 Risk analysis of reservoir floodwater utilization coupling meteorological and hydrological uncertainties Lu, Qingwen

34 10 p. 1507-1521
14 Risk assessment of atmospheric and liquid discharges of radionuclides on humans, marine biota and terrestrial wildlife Monged, Mohamed H. E.

34 10 p. 1629-1643
15 Simulation of seismic ground motion fields via object-oriented spatial statistics with an application in Northern Italy Menafoglio, Alessandra

34 10 p. 1607-1627
16 Trends in temperature and precipitation extremes in historical (1961–1990) and projected (2061–2090) periods in a data scarce mountain basin, northern Pakistan Saddique, Naeem

34 10 p. 1441-1455
                             16 results found
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