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                             24 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A critical note on the exponentiated EWMA chart Haq, Abdul

65 8 p. 5379-5387
2 Additive partial linear models with autoregressive symmetric errors and its application to the hospitalizations for respiratory diseases Chou-Chen, Shu Wei

65 8 p. 5145-5166
3 A distance based two-sample test of means difference for multivariate datasets Novoselsky, Alexander

65 8 p. 4861-4874
4 A new integrated discrimination improvement index via odds Hayashi, Kenichi

65 8 p. 4971-4990
5 Asymptotic normality of a modified estimator of Gini distance correlation Sang, Yongli

65 8 p. 4843-4860
6 Bayesian and frequentist inference derived from the maximum entropy principle with applications to propagating uncertainty about statistical methods Bickel, David R.

65 8 p. 5389-5407
7 Coherent indexes for shifted count and semicontinuous models Bourguignon, Marcelo

65 8 p. 5253-5271
8 Confidence bounds for compound Poisson process Skarupski, Marek

65 8 p. 5351-5377
9 Confidence intervals for overall response rate difference in the sequential parallel comparison design Shan, Guogen

65 8 p. 5333-5349
10 Estimation of fixed effects semiparametric single-index panel model with spatio-temporal correlated errors Li, Bogui

65 8 p. 4915-4953
11 Estimation of multicomponent system reliability for inverse Weibull distribution using survival signature Jana, Nabakumar

65 8 p. 5077-5108
12 Exact distribution of change-point MLE for a Multivariate normal sequence Dehghan Monfared, Mohammad Esmail

65 8 p. 4955-4970
13 Exceedance statistics based on bottom-k-lists Kozan, Agah

65 8 p. 5239-5251
14 General classes of bivariate distributions for modeling data with common observations Yoo, Na Young

65 8 p. 5219-5238
15 Generalized simulated method-of-moments estimators for multivariate copulas Belalia, Mohamed

65 8 p. 4811-4841
16 Hadamard matrices, quaternions, and the Pearson chi-square statistic Alhakim, Abbas

65 8 p. 5273-5291
17 Hotelling T2 test in high dimensions with application to Wilks outlier method Modarres, Reza

65 8 p. 5203-5218
18 Inference on Weibull inverted exponential distribution under progressive first-failure censoring with constant-stress partially accelerated life test Fathi, Abdullah

65 8 p. 5021-5053
19 Multiple testing of interval composite null hypotheses using randomized p-values Ochieng, Daniel

65 8 p. 5055-5076
20 Nonparametric estimator of the tail dependence coefficient: balancing bias and variance Garcin, Matthieu

65 8 p. 4875-4913
21 On the functional regression model and its finite-dimensional approximations Berrendero, José R.

65 8 p. 5167-5201
22 On the statistical analysis of high-dimensional factor models Mao, Junfan

65 8 p. 4991-5019
23 Profile quasi-maximum likelihood estimation for semiparametric varying-coefficient spatial autoregressive panel models with fixed effects Tian, Ruiqin

65 8 p. 5109-5143
24 Reduced bias estimation of the log odds ratio Saleh, Asma

65 8 p. 5293-5331
                             24 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland