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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Approximate and exact optimal designs for 2k factorial experiments for generalized linear models via second order cone programming Duarte, Belmiro P. M.

61 6 p. 2737-2767
2 A seasonal geometric INAR process based on negative binomial thinning operator Tian, Shengqi

61 6 p. 2561-2581
3 Asymptotic properties of the QMLE in a log-linear RealGARCH model with Gaussian errors Zhang, Caiya

61 6 p. 2313-2330
4 Bayesian inference of smooth transition autoregressive (STAR)(k)–GARCH(l, m) models Livingston, Glen

61 6 p. 2449-2482
5 CLT for integrated square error of density estimators with censoring indicators missing at random Zou, Yu-Ye

61 6 p. 2685-2714
6 Consistency for wavelet estimator in nonparametric regression model with extended negatively dependent samples Ding, Liwang

61 6 p. 2331-2349
7 Doubly robust augmented-estimating-equations estimation with nonignorable nonresponse data Liu, Tianqing

61 6 p. 2241-2270
8 Estimating a function of scale parameter of an exponential population with unknown location under general loss function Patra, Lakshmi Kanta

61 6 p. 2511-2527
9 Finite mixtures of multivariate scale-shape mixtures of skew-normal distributions Wang, Wan-Lun

61 6 p. 2643-2670
10 FPCA-based estimation for generalized functional partially linear models Cao, Ruiyuan

61 6 p. 2715-2735
11 Linearity tests and stochastic trend under the STAR framework Zhang, Lingxiang

61 6 p. 2271-2282
12 Multivariate portmanteau tests for weak multiplicative seasonal VARMA models Ilmi Amir, Abdoulkarim

61 6 p. 2529-2560
13 Note on sample quantiles for ordinal data Hassler, Uwe

61 6 p. 2383-2391
14 Penalized empirical likelihood for partially linear errors-in-variables panel data models with fixed effects He, Bang-Qiang

61 6 p. 2351-2381
15 Portfolio selection: shrinking the time-varying inverse conditional covariance matrix Sun, Ruili

61 6 p. 2583-2604
16 Randomized versus non-randomized hypergeometric hypothesis testing with crisp and fuzzy hypotheses Chukhrova, Nataliya

61 6 p. 2605-2641
17 Robust fuzzy clustering based on quantile autocovariances Lafuente-Rego, B.

61 6 p. 2393-2448
18 Sparse common component analysis for multiple high-dimensional datasets via noncentered principal component analysis Park, Heewon

61 6 p. 2283-2311
19 Statistical inference for linear regression models with additive distortion measurement errors Feng, Zhenghui

61 6 p. 2483-2509
20 The asymptotic properties for the estimators of the survival function and failure rate function based on WOD samples Shen, Aiting

61 6 p. 2671-2684
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland