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                             20 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An exponential inequality and its application to M estimators in multiple linear models Deng, Xin

61 4 p. 1607-1627
2 Change point detection for nonparametric regression under strongly mixing process Yang, Qing

61 4 p. 1465-1506
3 Changepoint in dependent and non-stationary panels Maciak, Matúš

61 4 p. 1385-1407
4 Change-point methods for multivariate time-series: paired vectorial observations Hlávka, Zdeněk

61 4 p. 1351-1383
5 Conditional SIRS for nonparametric and semiparametric models by marginal empirical likelihood Chu, Yi

61 4 p. 1589-1606
6 Convergence of U-processes in Hölder spaces with application to robust detection of a changed segment Račkauskas, Alfredas

61 4 p. 1409-1435
7 Cramér’s type results for some bootstrapped U-statistics Alvarez-Andrade, Sergio

61 4 p. 1685-1699
8 Dynamic recursive tree-based partitioning for malignant melanoma identification in skin lesion dermoscopic images Aria, Massimo

61 4 p. 1645-1661
9 Editorial for the special issue: Change point detection Sofronov, Georgy

61 4 p. 1347-1349
10 Estimating change points in nonparametric time series regression models Mohr, Maria

61 4 p. 1437-1463
11 Multiple change point detection and validation in autoregressive time series data Ma, Lijing

61 4 p. 1507-1528
12 New lower bound for Lee discrepancy of asymmetrical factorials Hu, Liuping

61 4 p. 1763-1772
13 On the performance of weighted bootstrapped kernel deconvolution density estimators Al-Sharadqah, Ali

61 4 p. 1773-1798
14 On the problems of sequential statistical inference for Wiener processes with delayed observations Gapeev, Pavel V.

61 4 p. 1529-1544
15 Optimal principal points estimators of multivariate distributions of location-scale and location-scale-rotation families Matsuura, Shun

61 4 p. 1629-1643
16 Order patterns, their variation and change points in financial time series and Brownian motion Bandt, Christoph

61 4 p. 1565-1588
17 Random coefficient minification processes Han, Lengyi

61 4 p. 1741-1762
18 Rationalization of detection of the multiple disorders Szajowski, Krzysztof J.

61 4 p. 1545-1563
19 Second-order matching prior family parametrized by sample size and matching probability Tanaka, Toyoto

61 4 p. 1701-1717
20 Some convergence properties for partial sums of widely orthant dependent random variables and their statistical applications Xi, Mengmei

61 4 p. 1663-1684
                             20 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland