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                             25 results found
no title author magazine year volume issue page(s) type
1 A deep learning approach to automatically quantify lower extremity alignment in children Tsai, Andy

51 2 p. 381-390
2 AI MSK clinical applications: cartilage and osteoarthritis Joseph, Gabby B.

51 2 p. 331-343
3 AI MSK clinical applications: orthopedic implants Yi, Paul H.

51 2 p. 305-313
4 AI MSK clinical applications: spine imaging Huber, Florian A.

51 2 p. 279-291
5 AI musculoskeletal clinical applications: how can AI increase my day-to-day efficiency? Shin, YiRang

51 2 p. 293-304
6 Artificial intelligence applied to musculoskeletal oncology: a systematic review Li, Matthew D.

51 2 p. 245-256
7 Artificial intelligence for MRI diagnosis of joints: a scoping review of the current state-of-the-art of deep learning-based approaches Fritz, Benjamin

51 2 p. 315-329
8 Artificial intelligence in musculoskeletal imaging: a perspective on value propositions, clinical use, and obstacles Fritz, Jan

51 2 p. 239-243
9 Artificial intelligence in orthopedic implant model classification: a systematic review Ren, Mark

51 2 p. 407-416
10 Automated detection and segmentation of sclerotic spinal lesions on body CTs using a deep convolutional neural network Chang, Connie Y.

51 2 p. 391-399
11 Can AI distinguish a bone radiograph from photos of flowers or cars? Evaluation of bone age deep learning model on inappropriate data inputs Yi, Paul H.

51 2 p. 401-406
12 Clinical applications of AI in MSK imaging: a liability perspective Harvey, H. Benjamin

51 2 p. 235-238
13 Deciphering musculoskeletal artificial intelligence for clinical applications: how do I get started? Mutasa, Simukayi

51 2 p. 271-278
14 Deep learning approach to predict pain progression in knee osteoarthritis Guan, Bochen

51 2 p. 363-373
15 Deep learning detection of subtle fractures using staged algorithms to mimic radiologist search pattern Ren, Mark

51 2 p. 345-353
16 Deep learning for accurately recognizing common causes of shoulder pain on radiographs Grauhan, Nils F.

51 2 p. 355-362
17 Introduction to the special issue on artificial intelligence in musculoskeletal radiology Chang, Connie Y.

51 2 p. 233
18 Mammary-type myofibroblastoma of the thigh mimicking liposarcoma Akhlaq, Natasha

51 2 p. 441-445
19 Musculoskeletal trauma and artificial intelligence: current trends and projections Laur, Olga

51 2 p. 257-269
20 Natural language processing of radiology reports to investigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the incidence and age distribution of fractures Jungmann, Florian

51 2 p. 375-380
21 Pachydermodactyly: the role of ultrasonography, superb microvascular imaging, and elastography in diagnosis Novais, Cláudia Martins

51 2 p. 435-439
22 Predicting long-term outcomes of ultrasound-guided percutaneous irrigation of calcific tendinopathy with the use of machine learning Vassalou, Evangelia E.

51 2 p. 417-422
23 Test yourself-answer: multiple facial skin lesions associated with gingival hypertrophy in a pair of siblings Marroun, Nour

51 2 p. 447-450
24 Test Yourself-Question: Multiple facial skin lesions associated with gingival hypertrophy in a pair of siblings Marroun, Nour

51 2 p. 431-434
25 Your mileage may vary: impact of data input method for a deep learning bone age app’s predictions Yi, Paul H.

51 2 p. 423-429
                             25 results found
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands