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                             5 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A comparison of explosively driven shock wave radius versus time scaling approaches Hargather, M. J.

33 6 p. 449-460
2 Combustion models for shock-induced cloud ignition of aluminium particles using smoothed particle hydrodynamics Omang, M.

33 6 p. 461-472
3 Effects of thermal pretreatment and equivalence ratio on DME/O2/O3 detonations Brown, M. C.

33 6 p. 483-500
4 Structure of shock and detonation waves propagating in hybrid methane/hydrogen/air/coal dust mixtures Pinaev, A. V.

33 6 p. 473-482
5 Thermochemical study of the detonation properties of boron- and aluminum-containing compounds in air and water Byrdin, K. A.

33 6 p. 501-520
                             5 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland