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                             7 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 An interface to provide the physical properties of the blast wave from a free-field TNT explosion Dewey, J. M.

32 4 p. 383-390
2 Can ozonolysis reactions influence detonations? Reuter, C. B.

32 4 p. 363-371
3 Experimental study of pulse detonation engine with liquid ethanol and oxygen mixtures Kadosh, H.

32 4 p. 353-362
4 Geometrical matching in remote in-tube shock compression by an unsteady jet Ichihara, D.

32 4 p. 373-381
5 In memoriam Prof. Klaus Hannemann (1959–2021) Martinez Schramm, J.

32 4 p. 391-393
6 Numerical analysis of the spark channel expansion in a high-pressure hydrogen–oxygen mixture and in nitrogen Korytchenko, K.

32 4 p. 321-335
7 Time-resolved imaging of the cellular structure of methane and natural gas detonations Frederick, M. D.

32 4 p. 337-351
                             7 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland