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                             12 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Asymmetric somatic hybridization between wheat (Triticum aestivum) and Avena sativa L. Xiang, Fengning

46 3 p. 243-252
2 Cloning, expression and characterization of gene sgcD involved in the biosynthesis of novel antitumor lidamycin Li, Min

46 3 p. 310-319
3 Dimerization of two novel apoptosisinducing proteins and its function in regulating cell apoptosis Liu, Qingzhen

46 3 p. 225-234
4 Effects of simulated microgravity on nitric oxide level in cardiac myocytes and its mechanism Xiong, Jianghui

46 3 p. 302-309
5 Effects of TFAR19 gene on the growth and biorheological properties of mouse erythroleukemia cell line MEL Gu, Li

46 3 p. 293-301
6 ESI-MS study on non-covalent bond complex of rhFKBP12 and new neurogrowth promoter Wang, Hongxia

46 3 p. 286-292
7 Expression of apoptosis-related genes Fas/FasL, Bax/Bcl-2 and Caspase-3 in rat corpus luteum during luteal regression Chen, Xinlei

46 3 p. 273-285
8 Gene therapy for pathological scar with hepatocyte growth factor mediated by recombinant adenovirus vector Ha, Xiaoqin

46 3 p. 320-327
9 Genetic analysis and mapping of gene fzp(t) controlling spikelet differentiation in rice Duan, Yuanlin

46 3 p. 328-334
10 Multi-isomorphous replacement phasing of the earthworm fibrinolytic enzyme component A from Eisenia fetida Tang, Yong

46 3 p. 263-272
11 Specific expression of a β-tubulin gene (GhTub1) in developing cotton fibers Li, Yuanli

46 3 p. 235-242
12 Study of cell killing and morphology on S180 by ultrasound activating hematoporphyrin derivatives Liu, Quanhong

46 3 p. 253-262
                             12 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland