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                             24 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Catalytic Reactivity Supported by Redox-Active Ligands Framing: A Mini Review Kumar, M.

67 10 p. 1573-1582
2 Copper(II) Complexes with 5-Nitro-2-furoic Acid: Synthesis, Structure, Thermal Properties, and Biological Activity Koshenskova, K. A.

67 10 p. 1545-1556
3 Crystal Growth and Heat Capacity of Lithium Molybdate Tungstates Matskevich, N. I.

67 10 p. 1521-1526
4 Effect of Antimony on the Reaction of Hafnium Diboride with Iridium Lozanov, V. V.

67 10 p. 1665-1671
5 Effect of EuF3 on Thermal and Luminescent Properties of Glasses in the 30BaZrF6–70NaPO3–хEuF3 System Ignatieva, L. N.

67 10 p. 1639-1645
6 Effect of SiC Particle Size on Microstructure, Mechanical Properties, and Oxidation Behavior of HfB2–SiC Composites Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering Sakvand, M.

67 10 p. 1682-1693
7 Effect of Sol Concentration on Properties of Alumina Aerogels Straumal, E. A.

67 10 p. 1646-1651
8 Effect of the Purity of the Precursor SnI2 on the Optical Properties of CsSnI3 Perovskite Thin Films Mastryukov, M. V.

67 10 p. 1652-1657
9 Effect of Torsional Deformation on Spin–Orbit Interaction in Metallic Silicon Nanotubes D’yachkov, P. N.

67 10 p. 1606-1610
10 Features of Glycol-Citrate Synthesis of Highly Dispersed Oxide La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3 – δ Simonenko, T. L.

67 10 p. 1495-1502
11 Formability, Phase Composition, and Microstructure of TiC–(5–50 wt %) NiCr–Based Materials Obtained by Free SHS Compression Antipov, M. S.

67 10 p. 1658-1664
12 Magnetochemistry and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Andesite and Gabbro Pechenkina, E. N.

67 10 p. 1634-1638
13 New Methods for Preparation of the Monofluorosubstituted Derivative of the closo-Borate Anion [2-B10H9F]2–, Its Properties, and Analysis of Its Reactivity Neumolotov, N. K.

67 10 p. 1583-1590
14 Phase Equilibria in the LiF–LiCl–Li2CrO4–KCl Stable Tetrahedron of the Li,K||F,Cl,CrO4 Reciprocal Four-Component Systems Demina, M. A.

67 10 p. 1611-1616
15 Physicochemical Analysis of the MnTе–Ga2Tе3–In2Tе3 System and AC Electrical Conductivity of MnGaInTe4 Mammadov, F. M.

67 10 p. 1623-1633
16 Quantitative Intermolecular Interactions Analysis and Magnetic Properties of Thiocyanatoiron(II) Complex with Nicotinamide Ligand Deepanjali Pandey,

67 10 p. 1557-1566
17 Quantum-Chemical Simulation of Molecular Hydrogen Abstraction from Magnesium Borohydride Triammoniate Zyubin, A. S.

67 10 p. 1591-1605
18 Structure and Phase Composition Study of Heavy Doped with Carbon Thin Films of TiO2 : C Deposited by RF Magnetron Sputtering Milenov, T.

67 10 p. 1509-1520
19 Study of Protonation of Ethyloxy Derivative of closo-Decaborate anion [B10H9OC2H5]2– Klyukin, I. N.

67 10 p. 1567-1572
20 Synthesis and Properties of a Complex Samarium Iron Tantalate with an Aeschynite Structure Egorysheva, A. V.

67 10 p. 1503-1508
21 Synthesis and Study of Si–Ti Mixed Oxides Modified with Dibenzo-18-Crown-6 Complexes with Metal Cations Fedorova, O. V.

67 10 p. 1527-1536
22 Synthesis of New Rhodacarborane [3,3-(1',5'-COD)-8-PrNH=C(Et)NH-3,1,2-RhC2B9H10] Stogniy, M. Yu.

67 10 p. 1537-1544
23 Thermal Decomposition of Ammonium Heptafluorozirconate in Air Lin Wang,

67 10 p. 1672-1681
24 Thermodynamic Characteristics of Silver(I) Complex Formation with Selected N- and N,N'-Substituted Thioureas in Aqueous Solution Samadov, A. S.

67 10 p. 1617-1622
                             24 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland