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                             9 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Delegation of implementation in project aid Marchesi, Silvia

16 3 p. 655-687
2 Does foreign aid volatility increase international migration? Gamso, Jonas

16 3 p. 581-598
3 Foreign aid, human capital accumulation and the potential implications for growth Harris, Jamelia

16 3 p. 549-579
4 Foreign aid, oil revenues, and political accountability: Evidence from six experiments in Ghana and Uganda de la Cuesta, Brandon

16 3 p. 521-548
5 Introduction to the special issue: In memoriam Stephen Knack Keefer, Philip

16 3 p. 473-493
6 Managing performance and winning trust: how World Bank staff shape recipient performance Heinzel, Mirko

16 3 p. 625-653
7 Optimal decision rules in multilateral aid funds Dreher, Axel

16 3 p. 689-719
8 The economics of the democratic deficit: The effect of IMF programs on inequality Lang, Valentin

16 3 p. 599-623
9 The effects of rejecting aid on recipients’ reputations: Evidence from natural disaster responses Carnegie, Allison

16 3 p. 495-519
                             9 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland