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                             15 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Activation of NOP receptor increases vulnerability to stress: role of glucocorticoids and CRF signaling Holanda, Victor A. D.

241 5 p. 1001-1010
2 Acute, but not repeated, cocaine exposure alters allopregnanolone levels in the midbrain of male and female rats McFarland, Minna H.

241 5 p. 1011-1025
3 A systematic review and meta-analysis of synthetic cathinone use and psychosis Daswani, Rishika R.

241 5 p. 875-896
4 Combination strategy employing BACE1 inhibitor and memantine to boost cognitive benefits in Alzheimer’s disease therapy Tarif, Abu Md Mamun

241 5 p. 975-986
5 Corydaline alleviates Parkinson’s disease by regulating autophagy and GSK-3β phosphorylation Zhou, Kaikai

241 5 p. 1027-1036
6 Effects of estrogen on spatial navigation and memory Joue, Gina

241 5 p. 1037-1063
7 Effects of social housing conditions on ethanol-induced behavioral sensitization in Swiss mice van Ingelgom, Théo

241 5 p. 987-1000
8 Insight into differing decision-making strategies that underlie cognitively effort-based decision making using computational modeling in rats Hales, Claire A.

241 5 p. 947-962
9 L-DOPA and oxytocin influence the neural correlates of performance monitoring for self and others Jansen, Myrthe

241 5 p. 1079-1092
10 METH exposure alters sperm DNA methylation in F0 mice and mPFC transcriptome in male F1 mice Li, Zhaosu

241 5 p. 897-911
11 Nucleus accumbens core dopamine D2 receptors are required for performance of the odor span task in male rats Onofrychuk, Timothy J.

241 5 p. 963-974
12 Serum indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase and tryptophan-2, 3-dioxygenase: potential biomarkers for the diagnosis of major depressive disorder Liang, Jun

241 5 p. 1093-1099
13 The ad-libitum taste test as measure of momentary alcohol use in the laboratory: an investigation of construct validity and confounding factors Trautmann, Sebastian

241 5 p. 913-923
14 The effect of psychoactive bacteria, Bifidobacterium longum Rosell®-175 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus JB-1, on brain proteome profiles in mice Jarosz, Łukasz S.

241 5 p. 925-945
15 The impact of doxycycline on human contextual fear memory Wehrli, Jelena M.

241 5 p. 1065-1077
                             15 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland