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                             17 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 A Self-Polishing Polyacrylate-g-polysiloxane Paint for Marine Antifouling Application Xia Zhao,

62 3 p. 184-195
2 A Study of Films Based on Acrylic Copolymers: Mesoscopic Simulation Buglakov, A. I.

62 3 p. 307-319
3 Effect of Chitin Nanofibrils on the Sorption Behavior of Chitosan-Based Composite Films Dresvyanina, E. N.

62 3 p. 205-212
4 Elastic Moduli and Poisson Ratio of Amorphous Organic Polymers Sangadiev, S. Sh.

62 3 p. 174-183
5 Electron Transport in Polyethyleneterephthalate Tyutnev, A. P.

62 3 p. 300-306
6 Facile Synthesis of Fluorescence/Temperature Multisensitive Hybrid Hydrogels Wenshan Gao,

62 3 p. 240-248
7 Hydrodynamic and Conformational Properties of Nitrile-Butadiene Rubbers in Ester Solutions Naumova, Yu. A.

62 3 p. 155-161
8 Phase Separation of Polymethylpentene Solutions for Producing Microfiltration Membranes Ignatenko, V. Ya.

62 3 p. 292-299
9 Polyelectrolyte Complexes of Partially Betainated Chitosan Derivatives Soluble in Weakly Alkaline Media Blagodatskikh, I. V.

62 3 p. 162-173
10 Preparation of Chitosan Graft Polyacrylic Acid/Graphite Oxide Composite and the Study of its Adsorption Properties of Cationic Dyes Hongduo Tang,

62 3 p. 272-283
11 Release Kinetic Model and Antimicrobial Activity of Freeze-Dried Curcumin-loaded Bacterial Nanocellulose Composite Vachanont Tangsatianpan,

62 3 p. 218-227
12 Rheological Behavior of Nanocellulose Aqueous Suspensions Atakhanov, A. A.

62 3 p. 213-217
13 Study of Physicomechanical Properties of Composite Fibers Based on Polylactide and Modified Chitin Nanofibrils Malafeev, K. V.

62 3 p. 249-259
14 Surface Functionalization of Silver-Coated Aramid Fiber Ting Gu,

62 3 p. 196-204
15 The Effect of Cold Rolling on the Mechanism of Fracture of an In Situ Filled Polypropylene–Graphene Plates Composite Efimov, A. V.

62 3 p. 260-271
16 The Effect of TMEDA on the Structural, Optical and Electrochemical Properties of CuI Embedded in Polyvinyl alcohol Nanocomposite Films Soliman, T. S.

62 3 p. 284-291
17 Tough and Self-Healing Chitosan/Poly(acrylamide-co-acrylic acid) Double Network Hydrogels Aihua Shi,

62 3 p. 228-239
                             17 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland