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                             8 gevonden resultaten
nr titel auteur tijdschrift jaar jaarg. afl. pagina('s) type
1 Collapse–Decollapse of Thermosensitive Polyelectrolyte Gels in Aqueous Media Makhaeva, E. E.

62 1 p. 15-23
2 Effect of Magnetic Field on Phase Transitions and Structure of Polyelectrolyte Solutions Vshivkov, S. A.

62 1 p. 62-69
3 Multilayered Particles Based on Biopolyelectrolytes as Potential Peptide Delivery Systems Zashikhina, N. N.

62 1 p. 43-53
4 Self-Organization Processes in Poly(N-[2-(diethylamino)ethyl]acrylamide) Buffer Solutions with Change in Concentration and pH of a Medium Simonova, M. A.

62 1 p. 24-31
5 Structure of a Planar Brush of Grafted Polyelectrolyte Stars Prokacheva, V. M.

62 1 p. 1-14
6 Structure of Polyelectrolyte Complexes by the Example of Chitosan Hydrogels with lambda-carrageenan Shchipunov, Yu. A.

62 1 p. 54-61
7 The Ability of Pluronics to Increase the Survival Rate of Cells Determined by a Hydrophilic Poly(ethylene oxide) Block Musatova, O. E.

62 1 p. 70-77
8 The Interaction of Colloid–Liposome–Protein Ternary Complex with Biological Membrane Sybachin, A. V.

62 1 p. 32-42
                             8 gevonden resultaten
 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - Nationale Bibliotheek van Nederland